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She walks in the Riggin's household, smiling and greeting Jason, Billy, and Herk. She automatically grabs Tim a new beer and hands it to him, sitting down in front of him.

"Are you ready to see our hard work Rae?" Jason asks and she nods. "Hit the lights and turn it on."

"Shut up!" Billy orders as they settle in around the TV.

"Tim Riggins... Goes to college." Jason announces dramatically and they all cheer. Rae smiles up at him.

"Alright, watch this." Tim instructs her and she's pleased to see a proud gleam in his eye.

"Alright, so you see what he's doing?" Jason asks, as Tim flashes on the screen. "Spotlights you before every play. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 guys to bring him down. Typical Tim Riggins style."

"Look at you." Rae says proudly.

"Look, gets the corner, speed, then power." Jason narrates.

"Tim, this is great." She mutters, squeezing his knee.

"Alright, this is my favorite one. Talk about delivering hits, look at this one." Jason points out as Tim trucks two guys into the end zone.

"So that's where all your brain cells went." Rae teases.

"What single characteristic do you think defines Tim Riggins as a football player?" Jason asks Coach on the video, who pauses.

"Toughness." He says and Tim straightens up. "I'm never seen a kid with more fortitude than Tim Riggins. No fear."

"What's your favorite memory of your brother playing football?" Jason asks Billy, who folds his arms.

"Uh, probably watching him get that ring back in '06." He responds, chuckling. Tim gently plays with the chain around Rae's neck. "And after all we've been through together, see him win state, that was... That was probably the happiest day of my life. I was just really proud of him." They all fall silent as the tape ends.

"Jason, that was really nice." Rae says quietly. Billy claps as Jason brushes her compliment off. "Tim Riggins might actually go to college."

"Streeter, thank you. For everything." Billy says, raising his beer.

"Thank you, six." Tim says quietly.

"Cheers." Jason says, raising his glass. "To Tim going to school."

"I can drink to that." Rae says and they all chorus in. She leans up and kisses Tim's cheek, resting for forehead on his chest.

"Rae!" Tim yells, storming into the house. "Rae! Where are you?"

"It's the world's smallest house Tim Riggins. How can you not locate me?" Rae asks, poking her head around the doorway of her bedroom.

"Quit the sass, I've got news." He announces. "We're playing Arnett-Mead on national television!"

"Tim, that's great!" She says, stunned. "That's an incredible opportunity. That's great coverage for you. A lot of colleges are going to see that." She says and he groans, holding her face.

"Can we not talk about college for three minutes?" He begs.

"We never talk about college as is Tim!" Rae protests and he shushes her by kissing her.

"Yeah, we can do that tomorrow." He promises and she narrows her eyes but lets it slide.

"Can you believe that we're playing on national television?" Lois asks, catching Rae's arm after school.

"I cannot, but I can't fathom why you people love football so much, so I'm probably not the person to ask that question to." Rae says and Lois rolls her eyes.

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