Chapter 5: When the turtles rescue them.

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Raph's POV.

I am boiling on anger now the Purple Dragons would know who I am in real and when we arrive there it was her uncousious but if she was uncousious who press the PANIC botton and I see Leo wide eyes seeing to the next cell there it was a girl with long wavy dark brown hair and dark brown eyes and she points to Feli and I see her tied up and I runs  to the cell and open the door and runs up to her and untied her up and I picks her up and Leo was with the girl I get out of there and runs to the lair.

Feli's POV.

What is going on?! And I start to wakes up and groans my ears down and I hear Raph say "hold on Feli we are going home now" and I open my eyes and whispers to him an okay and I feels him holding me close and protectibly and I smiles bigger as I snuggles into him and I sighs and say "sorry fa' worried you Raph" and he say "it's okay Feli at least ya re save now" and I nods and looks down ashamed "I'm goin' to beat the crap outta the Purple Dragons mostly Fong" and Raph chuckles and say "sure ya will and I will help ya after ya get full healed up" and I nods in understand.

Two girls and two turtles (TMNT 2003 FanFic)(complete)Where stories live. Discover now