Chapter 15: the invasion (pt.2)

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Raph's POV.

I was in a overprotective mode I was protecting Leo, my brothers, Mary, Sensei, April and my now pregnat girlfriend I know she want to fight and when we get down I just morph to my Kai-Ken form and sees Hougen and I fights him and end defeating him making Hougen to runs away and then I fight Shredder and some foot ninjas and I see where Feli was she was infront of Leo with a foot ninja on her mouth and steping in one then she knocks all the foot ninjas and we have to hide in a fridge but we get locked and me and Mikey try to open it and April get a metal door and Feli looks at me and I nods opening the metal door and we all get out of the place and we drive out to a house that was of April and there I put Leo in the couch and we talk to him until he wakes up I know how Feli is feeling about this Leo is like a big brother to her and to Leo she is a younger sister and I like that relationship from both they always love to plan the mission and they always cover they backs and the same with me and Feli.

Feli's POV.

I was always at Leo's side I was really sad the guys went out to patrol the area and like I am pregnat I have to stay and I hears Leo mummbling something and I stands up and walks over him and kneels infront of him and then the mummbles stop to hears a groans and see him moving and then open his eyes and looks at me and with a raspy voice he say "where I am and where are the others?" And I say *sighing in realef* "ya re at April's vacations house and the others are patroling the area I can't go with them knowing Raph he would get overprotective always a danger came" and Leo chuckles and say "I will do the samething in his place" and I nods in agreement.

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