Chapter 30: telling the others (FINAL CHAPTER!!!!)

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Feli's POV.

*2 days later*

I was with Raph in our room kissing, talking and laying there and Raph say "we better tell the others about the wedding" and I say "I'm agree with you baby" and we stands up and go to the living room where the others are and Raph say "hey guys we have somethin' to tells ya" and Master Splinter say "what is it my son?" And I say "we are gettin' married" and Leo say "really?" And Raph say *holding me close* "really" and all the guys say "congratulations" and Raph and me say "thanks y'all" and they say "you're welcome".

Raph's POV.

When we tells the others they were shocked at first but then they get happy and we spend time talking about it I was having Feli on my lap and she was snuggled up into my chest and she was about to falls asleep in my arms and I smiles at her and she smiles back and when I stands up I feels someone hugging my leg and I looks down to see Rachel and I say "whatcha' wrong Rach?" And she say "Sparta and Shadow 're fightin' I try to stop 'em but wasn't able" and I say "okay Rach I will go and stop 'em" and she say "thanks daddy" and I say "ya 're welcome my child" and when I go to the rooftop I see Sparta and Shadow fighting and I say "hey, hey, hey! Stop the fight now" and Shadow say "Sparta start it" and I looks at Sparta and he just shrughs.

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