Chapter 29: when Raph ask Feli if she marry him.

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Feli's POV.

*1 week later*

I was in the rooftops sitting watching the sky when I sense Raph and I smiles at him bigger and he smiles at me nervously and I frowns a bit and say "what's wrong Raph?" And he say "it's nothing wrong I just want to ask you something" and I looks at him and then I say "go a head Raph" and Raph say "I love you and I know I am not good at this but em... How to say it?" *sighs* "oh yeah will you marry me?" And I was happier that I couldn't help but start crying of happiness and I say "yes! I will love to marry you!" And he hugs me and kisses me and I kisses him back.

Raph's POV.

When she say that she will love to marry me I get so happy that I kissed her my love of my live now is going to be my wife and I am just anxious for tells the others and see their faces and I sits down beside her and start talking about what we are going to do and how we are telling them and then we spend our time kissing.

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