Chapter 7: When Leo ask Maria out.

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Leo's POV.

*2 weeks later*

I was watching some TV with Maria when she snuggles up to me and I blushes abit and I say "Mary can I ask you simething?" And she say "sure you can Leo what's up?" And I say "em... I likes you and I wants you to be my girlfriend?" And she say "yes! I want to be your girlfriend!" And I smiles bigger and kisses her and she kisses me back and I hear Mikey screams "EWWW! GET A ROOM!" And we pulls away and and see him running away to his room.

Mary's POV.

I see Mikey running away to his room sceard to dead and I see Feli and Raph looking at Mikey's room then at us and they shakes their heads and walks to the dojo, but well I am so happy I am Leo's girlfriend and I giggles and kisses Leo's cheek and snuggles into him and keeps watching TV with him.

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