Chapter 17: when the others get to know the Leo is awake (Pt.2).

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Raph's POV.

When I arrive of the patrol I was wishing to go with Feli and my kid and when we get inside I see Feli watching TV and Leo watching with her. WAIT LEO IS AWAKE!! And I hears Feli giggles at the TV and Leo chuckling in a raspy way and I goes over her and smiles at her while picking her up and makes her sits on my lap and Mary goes over to Leo and sits in the floor beside him and Donnie say "when he wakes up?" And I looks at Feli and she say "just a few minutes and he was just inteligent to start walking around when he has to be laying up healing" and I looks at Leo and he was smiling inosently and Feli giggles and she put my hand on her belly and I smiles bigger.

Mary's POV.

When I see Leo awake I was so happy and I goes over him and sits on the floor next to him and when I hear that he just wake up minutes ago and walks around when he have to be healing that makes me worried alot but Feli keeps saying to me that she get him to lays down and where watching TV from that time to now and I was happy I will tear Shredder up before Feli wons me trust me you don't want to pass on her way when she is mad he can get pretty agressive and protective more if she is going to be a first mother.

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