Chapter 20: when Feli get mutated

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Feli's POV.

*2 weeks later*

I was walking in the street getting some air cause I let Rachel with Raph when I feels followed and I runs to a dark alley and try to find a manhole but don't find anyone then feels that something hits me and start to see all black.

-time skip when Feli wakes up-.

When I open my eyes I see tied up in a chair that was hanging up from a mutagen container and I struggles to brake free but wasn't able and then I see Fong and I start growling madly and agressivly then see Leo, Donnie, Mikey and Raph, and I see Mikey throw a ninja star at the rope that get the chair up and that makes me fall in the mutagen.

Leo's POV.

When I see Feli falling in the mutagen I get really worried and I jumps in there and swims down to her and hold her hand and hold her close and swims out of the mutagen I jumps down to the floor and sees that she start getting mutated into a turtle that was light green, her green honey eyes change to a  grey-bluish eyes and she have a dark brown shell, Raph come over and he say "thanks fa' helps her Leo" and I say "not problem Raph" and I feels Feli shivers and I looks at Raph and he picks her up and nods at me and I give the signal to go out the Purple Dragons hide out and we all runs out of the hide out and runs to the lair and Mikey couldn't stop saying sorry and Feli rolls her eyes annoyed and she say *shaking and snuggling into Raph* "Mikey stop apologizing!" And Mikey nods and looks down and Feli say *sighing* "sorry Mikey I didn't mean it" and Mikey say "is okay duddette"

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