Chapter 26: When the team goes in a time trip.

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Feli's POV.

*1 year later*

I was in the living room watching my three kids while watching a movie with the guys when all of a sudden we appears in the lair but it was distroyed I don't have my mask or my weapons and neither do the others, I goes and picks Sparta and Shadow up and Raph picks Rachel up and we looks at Leo for an order and when he analyze the situation and Leo say "we are going out to see what is going on and we aren't splitting up" and we nods and we runs out to see that it was other part and I nods and looks at Raph and when I hears a sounds of a police and I goes over to Raph and Raph holds me close to him.

Raph's POV.

When Feli comes over I holds her close to me protectibly and the police cames over and I hears Feli's growls  and I see one of the police coming over to her and her mother instinct cames out and know I was standing infront of her growling and I say "get away of her now" and I hears a car mashing and we sees a limousine coming over us and the door get open and a robot opens the door we all looks at Leo for an order and he say "go inside" and we all goes inside and I helps Feli with the kids and Leo helps her up and the robot give us some machine and he say "put that on your chest that would helps you to breath" and Feli puts it on and she takes a long and deep breath and she say "he is right" and that robot give me three to the kids and Feli puts it n the twins and I put it on my chest and in Rachel.

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