Sarah's P.O.V.
It's been about a mouth since Sally's funeral (I know big time skip) and tomorrow is the fall formal. I'm going with Garret of course and me, Chloe, and Leah are out shopping for dresses and shoes. We're teens but I'm the really girly one in the group I practically had to drag them out to the mall. We try on some dresses until we find the perfect one. I found a light blue dress (if you could see I love blue) with a one trap, Chloe found a purple strapless dress, and Leah found a white short dress. Next is shoes. After an hour of looking for shoes we find the ones. I got blue 3in heals, Chloe's got light purple 1in heals and Leah got 2in white heal. After we get to my house we start a movie. I get up to get the popcorn when there's a knock on the door. I sigh as I put a empty bowl on the table and I walk to the door. I open it to see Jack. He smiles and I smile back. "Is mark here?" He asks. I shake my head. "He's at a friends house." I say. He nods. "You watching a movie?" He asks. I nod. "Yeah me and the girls are having a sleepover. I got to go so I'll see you tomorrow." I say hear the microwave go off and I close the door. Once I have the popcorn done I walk to the movie room and we start the movie. It's about midnight before the movie is over. After the movie we go to bed half awake.
The next morning we get up and I make breakfast for us. After we eat we plan out the day. A few hours later we start getting ready. We all do the same hair style, a curled ponytail and curled bangs. By the time we're done getting ready it's time for us to go. Once we walk in I go looking around for Garret. I shrug when I can't find him he must not be here yet. I heard to the snack table and I grab a cup of punch. I walk over to one of the tables and I sit. After about five minutes Jack walks up. He looks so cute. His head is perfect and he has a white shirt suit pants a black tie and a silver best with black dress shoes. He smiles as he sits. "Have you seen Garret?" I ask him. He shakes his head. I nod with a sigh. "You look beautiful." He says. I blush a little. "Thanks." I say. He chuckles. After about an hour or so I finally get up to look for Garret.
I look around the halls and I stop when I see Garret but he was kissing Chelsea. I take a step back as tears form in my eyes, they pull away and Garret looks at me. I shake my head. "Oh Sarah we're done." He says. I look at the ground as tears roll down my cheeks. "You think." I say before running upstairs to the roof where the garden is.
Jack's P.O.V.
It's been a while since Sarah left the room and I have a feeling something is wrong. I look around for her when I couldn't find her I go to her friends. I ask where she might be and they told me on the roof. I make my way up to the roof and sure enough she was up here looks over the school sitting on the ground. I sigh and I silently walk over to her and I sit next to her. "Hey." I say in a soft sweet tone. "Hey" she says a little depressed. She looks at me and she looked like she's been crying. I open my arm and she curled up next to me and cried into my shoulder.
Sarah's P.O.V.
I cry into jacks shoulder for a bit then I tell him what happened. After I'm done crying I sit up so I'm looking at Jack. I lean in and I kiss him missing him as a boyfriend. He smiles. "Do you want to be my boyfriend again?" I ask. He sighs and doesn't answer he just kisses me. When we pull away I hug him happy to have him again. "I missed you." I whisper as tears fall. He hugs me back. "I missed you too." He whispers. When we pull away Jack gets up. "Now let's go have some fun." He says helping me up and we head back to the gym where the fall formal is taking place. When we walk back in there Leah and Chloe run up. "Sarah your not going to dance looking like that, let's go get you cleaned up." Chloe says. I nod before they lead me to the bathroom and they fix my makeup.
Jack's P.O.V.
Sarah and her friends just ran off to fix up Sarah and I look around for Garret. When I find him I walk up to him. He looks at me and smirks. "What is your problem man?" I say with anger. He laughs. "What do you mean." He asks. I sigh. "You and me both know she still hasn't gotten over loosing Sally and you just go off and dump her for this little brat." I say then I point to Chelsea. "I don't really care. Besides I'm way out of her league." He says with another laugh. I shake my head. "I don't know how people can ever like you." I say before walking off in anger.
A few more minutes later Sarah nod her friends come back and Sarah looks breath taking. She smiles as she walks up and I smile back. "Ok everyone this is the last slow dance of the night." The D.J. Says. We take the dance floor. She take her hand I'm mine and I out my hand her waist and she gets close to me then steps her head on my chest. I smile. I miss having her close to me. Soon the song is over and we dance a little to the last few songs then we head home. She falls asleep on the way home. I pick her up and I carry her up to her room when we get to her house. I set her on her bed and I walk to the door. Before I could close the door Sarah says something. "Will you stay with me tonight I've been having a hard time sleeping since Sally died.
I nod as I walk over to her bed. She smiles as she gets up and gets her Pjs the. Goes to the bathroom. When she comes back she climbs into bed and curls up next to me setting her head on my chest. "Thank you." She says. I sigh. "For what?" I ask closing my eyes. "For everything." She says before falling asleep and soon I'm also asleep happy to be with my favorite person in the world.

Tough love
RomanceJack and Sarah are going to school, and it's different from when they were together during the summer. They have to deal with the populars and all the people that would want Jack and Sarah apart. Both Sarah and Jack will go though tough times in the...