Tough love chapter 63:
I wake to Ople throwing a pillow in my face, already fully dressed. "We're gonna go hiking!" She exclaimed, throwing her hands in the air like an excited kid.
*props to spiritofclover*
I groan a little. "I want to be majestic like a unicorn" Ople says with a horse impression with her arms and legs. I look at a her for a bit, I always forget how much a child she is. I get up slowly and Opel grabs my arm pulling me off the bed and I fall in the floor with a groan. I get and and I walk to my clothes. "I'm up." I say putting my hands up in Surender. I grab some jeans and I long sleeve shirt before kicking Ople out and I get changed. I walk out after putting my boots on and I head down to the kitchen grabbing a banana. I'm greeted soon by Sam my nephew along with one a of nieces Samantha, and yes she is named after my middle name. I give them a little hug. "Hey Sam Samantha, how are you two?" I ask. Oh I almost forgot! They're twins. "I'm doing great aunt Sarah." Sam says. "Just call me Sarah." I say with a giggle. Sam smiles before running off and Samantha follows.
Ople comes in and grabs me by the arm. "I'm coming child, I just need to grab my phone." I say making Ople whine a little about how slow I am. I grab my phone and we head out. "To pikes peak!" Ople says as we drive out. I shake my head plugging in the aux cord into my phone and I start my favorites play list on Spotify.
We drive for about an hour before we stop a mile or so after we pass the tree line. We get out and look at the view, I take a few pictures and I post them on Instagram. I get a text from just after a few minutes. I quickly take out my phone but a little too quickly because it slips right out of my hands and onto the road and is run over. I quickly walk down there I picking up my phone. The screen shattered. I press the power button but I got nothing. Great! Now I need a new phone. I throw my phone off the mountain side and I walk back up to the car and I get in. Ople gets in and give me a weird look. "Phone broke because it slipped out of my hands and got run over." I say clearly mad. "Ok I'll take you to get a new one right now." She says before starting the car and we head back down.
--- beautiful time skip because I'm lazy
I look at my new phone and I look at everything. I got everything back but I had to get a new number, don't ask why. I call Jack to see how he's doing but he doesn't answer So I leave a voicemail. I set my phone down and I head to the living room where Katherine my other niece was looking a a ton a movies. "Put in frozen!" Samantha says. "No I don't want to watch frozen!" Katherine says throwing the disc case cross the room. "I want to watch frozen!" Samantha wines again. I walk over to the girls. "Girls stop fighting." I say in a stern voice making them look up at me. I get in my knees and I look through the movies. "Here how about tangled?" I ask. They both nod with a smile.
I put in tangled and I sit on the couch after hitting play. Katherine and Samantha on both sides of me. As we watch the movie we sing along with the songs. By the time the movie is over both girls are asleep. I smile slowly getting up trying not to wake them. I stretch and the home phone starts to ring. I pick it up to hear Mark's voice. "Hey sis." I shake my head. "Hey bro." I say. "So... What's going on up there?" He asks. "Nothing much. Hey um.. How's Jack doing?" I ask. "He doing fine. Umm... Can I talk to Thomas?" He asks. I call Thomas to the phone and I hand it to him when he comes. Time to just waist the rest of the day...
--- hour or so later
Mary walk into my room and I stop what I'm doing. "Guess what tomorrow is." She says. "Ummm... Sunday." I answer setting my phone down. "No... Easter!" She exclaims. My eyes widen. "I really wanted spend my first Easter with Jack this year." I groan. "Well your not with him plus you have next year." I nod in agreement. "Yeah I guess your right." I say. "So... Put on your shoes we're going to Walmart." I raise an eyebrow. "Why?" I ask. "Bunny cake." Is all she says before I understand. "What really! We stopped doing that five ears ago when you and Thomas moved." I exclaim. We head out to the car and start the way to Walmart. While we drive I call Mark. "Hello?" He answers. "Hey mark its Sarah." I say. "Oh why are you calling on this number?" He asks. "I dropped my phone while I was on pikes peek." I explain. "So guess what me and Mary are doing." Mark signs. "What?" He asks. "We're going to get things to make a bunny cake." I say. "What! That awesome I remember doing that." Mark exclaims. "Yeah I know right.. Yo got to go. Bye." I say. "Ok bye." He says before hanging up.
Once we arrive we rush in and grab a cart. The first thing we go for is the batter stuff. Once we get the mix we go to the candy grabbing as much as we can the frosting, coconut, and Fondant. This bunny it going to be interesting.
*yo shout out to spiritofclover for writing the start of this chapter for me!*

Tough love
Roman d'amourJack and Sarah are going to school, and it's different from when they were together during the summer. They have to deal with the populars and all the people that would want Jack and Sarah apart. Both Sarah and Jack will go though tough times in the...