Me, Jack, and Tom all sit at a table that's on the far right with Maddie. Jack, not wanting me to stress about one stupid little thing, thought it would be best for us to sit somewhere away from Leah and Chloe. Leah probably didn't notice. A few times I say Chelsea glance over to us giving Jack a flirtatious look aLong with a wink a few times. I haven't mentioned it yet but Tom... Has decided to like guys now. I don't understand the human mind at all.
Lunch goes by quickly and in our way out I hear Chelsea's evil giggle. "Look I'm Tom and I'm gay as f*ck!" She exclaims. I look over at Tom who's face flushes. I shake my before turning and walking up to her. "Ok Chelsea! You've hit the end of the line! You can mess with me but... You can't mess with my friends! Or Ex boyfriend!" I say anger taking my tone. I can see a little fear in her eyes. She just scoffs and walks off. Jack walks up as he shakes his head. "What I can my own fights can't I?" I ask. Jack just sighs and doesn't answer.
School flies by and I decide we should just go to the hotel and visit my mom and brother. When we arrive we head straight up to the room. After knocking a few times Mark answers and smiles when he sees me. "Hey." He says letting us in. I look at the couch to see mom watching TV. "Hi mom how you feeling?" I ask sitting next to her. I shrugs. "I've felt better but I'm doing way better." She says. I smile and give her a hug and she returns it. "Hi Mrs. Sutlif it's good to see your feeling better." Jack says trying to be noticed. "Thank you Jack and you can just call me Morgan." She says looking up at him. Jack nods. "Ok Morgan." He says trying out the name. I let out giggle.
We hang around there for a few hours before finally heading back. When we get back I grab a blanket wrapping it around me and I lay on the couch. Jack shakes his head as he sits next to my feet. "So.... How much longer to we have if school?" I ask. Jack shrugs. "I think three weeks." He says. I nod and sigh. We both look at each other and smile. "Guess what day the last day of school is." I say. Jack shrugs. "Umm... The 24th.... No..." He says. "It's our meetiversary you idiot." I say playfully slapping him. He nods. "I know I was just playing with you." He says moving a little closer to me.
I smile unwrapping myself and I shiver as the cold hits me. I crawl slowly over to Jack and in the process he lays down slowly. Before we were completely laying down we connect our lips. Jack wraps his arms around me setting one hand on the back of my head pushing me closer to him, deepening the kiss in the process. We pull away both of us smiling like crazy. "Love you." Jack says before kissing me passionately. We break apart, after what feels like hours but only a few minutes, breathing heavily and I set my forehead on his as I stare into his gorgeous blue eyes. "And I you." I say.
---- (the next week end)
It's Saturday! Yay and also the day after civil war came out! Hashtag team cap all the way! Now yay we got that out of the way! Mother's Day is tomorrow which means I have to make my mom a cake after getting her a teddy bear or something. I had just woken up and Jack was already up and I found him on the patio his checks stained with tears. I walk over to him and I rest my hands on his shoulders. He jumps a little and looks up at me. I wrap my arms our his neck and I rest my head on his shoulder. "What's wrong?" I ask in his ear. Jack just shakes his head a little. "It's just... Mother's Day..." He breaks down before he can finish. I get up and I stand in front of him with my arms out open for him. He looks at me and immediately squeezes me while digging his head into my neck.
I've never seen Jack this broken before. He did loose his mother and that's worse then loosing a father, even though both are horrible to go through. I rub his back as he sobs into my shoulder bent down a little, because ya know he's taller than me. "Jack... Would you feel better if we go to Dallas on Monday and visit your mother's grave?" I ask. Jack nods a little. I nod moving him so I'm looking up at him. His face and eyes are red and the tears are flowing like a waterfall. I set my hand in his check and the other in his hair. "How about you go take a shower and cool off a little." I suggest making him nod. "Ok... Stay in as long as you need." I say. When I start to walk out Jack grabs my arm and spins me to him. "Will you join me?" He asks. I sigh not really sure but I nod. I feel really sorry for him so it's the least I can do. He smiles a little the best he can. I smile giving him a small peck in a the cheek before I head to the bathroom to get the shower ready.
*Happy Mother's Day! Make sure to give ur mom some love and if your like Jack... Well, I'm sorry for you loss.
*We'll that got deep and sad! Okie dokie, I only have two full weeks of school left then after those weeks the third book comes out! Who's excited?!*

Tough love
RomanceJack and Sarah are going to school, and it's different from when they were together during the summer. They have to deal with the populars and all the people that would want Jack and Sarah apart. Both Sarah and Jack will go though tough times in the...