Jack's P.O.V.
It's been only a couple days since Sarah's mom went to the hospital. Today she has been in a crappy mod, more crappy then two days ago. All day she hasn't talked and she just acts like she's mad.is it that time of month or... school just got out for the day. I wait for Sarah to get her things before I open my locker and get my things. The ride to Sarah's house was uncomfortable and silent. When we arrive I grab her bag and my bag before following her inside. I head to the living room while she goes to her room, Lizzy moved in with Ross (if you remember him). I trust him, they have been dating for about three months and they're old enough. I set our bags on the couch and I head up to mark's room to see what's going on with Sarah. I knock on his door and a few seconds later he pops his head out. " hey umm... what's going on with Sarah?" I ask.
Mark steps out closing the door behind him. "Ok, so Sarah did the something when we lost our grandpa. Sally was there for her and sally only because, Sarah only let sally. Be there for here when she needs you to be, ok? She'll want to be alone but check on her just in case." He explains. I nod him a thanks and walk to Sarah's room. I open the door slowly popping my head in a little to see her on her bed watching something on her phone. I walk over to her and I notice a small smile on her face. She looks up at me her smile fading slowly as she turns off her phone and puts it on her nightstand.
Sarah's P.O.V.
I was watching a 'do not laugh' by SkyDoesMinecraft and I was smiling a little at a joke House_owner made, for someone who doesn't laugh much he has good jokes. Jack walks in and I look up at him. My smile fades slowly and I set my phone on the nightstand. He looks down at me. "hey." He says hope in his eyes. I haven't talked all day, when I say all day I mean all day. "hey." I say my voice cracking a little. "Do u want me to just sit in her with you?" he asks. I sigh a little. I don't feel like having anyone around at the moment. I shake my head. He nods. I get up and walk over to him. I stand there for a second and I lean into him, I do need a hug. I wrap my arms around his waist he instantly wraps his arms around me. "I love you." He says kissing my head. I respond by nodding a little. I pull away and I look at the coat. "I'm going for a walk." I say grabbing my coat, phone, and blue headphones. He nods a little. I slip on my coat and I walk out while plugging in my headphones and I turn on my 'favorites' playlist. I take a deep breath letting the fresh air fill my lungs.
I walk for about an hour and I was now at the grave yard. I take a slow step in turning off my music and I take off my headphones. I walk over to where my Dad and Brayden's graves. I get on my knees and I stare at them. "It's been a while since I've come to visit." Is the only thing I can get out before breaking down. I sit there for a few more minutes before I decide to get up and head out. On my way out I hear whimpering. I turn my head to the sound and I walk to it. I walk around the corner and I see a small yellow corgi puppy with a hurt leg. I walk over to it slowly and kneel down putting my hand out for it to smell. It sticks its head out a little but pulls back when I stick it closer. I shake my head. "What happened to you little guy?" I say pulling out my phone.
I call jack to come to the grave yard and that there is an injured puppy. He drives up quickly and comes out with an old towel. I show him where the puppy is and he slowly and gently scooped up the puppy and put it in the towel before carrying it to his car. "So you want to take it to the vet?" Jack asks pulling away. I nod and I look back at the puppy who looks as scared as can be. I put my out to it and pet its little head softly. It whimpers a little bit as it tries to move around. I shake my head a little. I really hope this little guy lives.
*hope you all like this chapter!!!*

Tough love
RomanceJack and Sarah are going to school, and it's different from when they were together during the summer. They have to deal with the populars and all the people that would want Jack and Sarah apart. Both Sarah and Jack will go though tough times in the...