Today is wet, cold, and rainy. Why do I feel like something bad is going to happen today? I shake my head mentally as me and Jack walk to our next class, History. My least favorite subject. We enter and people hi or hey to Jack as we make our way to our seats. Once we sit I take my book out and turn it to the page on the board then I hear the door slam, my head snaps that way and I see a short black women, she must be the he substitute for today. She tells us our work and gives us an question to answer in our journals. I'm half way through my work when she waddles up. "Your not a answering the question your just doing what you want to do you can do that you have to do your work." She says raising her voice and the whole class looks at me and I feel my face heat up and my head starts to spin and I feel tears burn my eyes. "Can I be exudes for a bit?" I ask feeling a little panicked. I think she say the fear in my eyes and she nodded her head. I get out as fast as I can and I slid to the floor once I'm in the hall. Not even a minute later Jack walks out of the room and knees over me. "You ok?" He asks and I throw myself at him. "I panicked I can't be in the spotlight like that I loose my mind and when I'm too stressed about something I break down." I cry into his chest. He stokes my hair making me relax. "It's fine you'll be fine I'll help you with your work mostly because I'm already done so it's not a problem." He says. I shake my head. "I feel so stupid compared to you. Your the smartest kid in the grade." I say with a little pout. "That doesn't matter right now. Come on let's get back to class." He says pulling me up and he leads me back to the room and to our seats. Now and I would have someone look at me a laugh. I let Jack help me and before I know it I'm done. About ten minutes later class is over and next I have Spanish.
I walk out of Spanish with Tom both of us laughing our heads off. On our way to our lockers he pulls me aside of everyone and pins me to the wall. "Tom what are you doing?" I ask looking straight into his eyes. "I want you to give me another chance." He says getting closer. "I did we're friends." I say starting to feel uncomfortable. "No I mean I want you to give us another chance dump Jack." He says. I shake my head. "Tom I've made up my mind I want to be wi-" I'm cute off by him crashing his lips to mine. I can't lie did enjoy it and I wrapped my arms around his neck without me knowing. "Sarah..." Someone says from behind us. I turn around to see Jack with a hurt look. Before anyone could say anything I run off dropping my things where I was. I'm to scared to know what Jack would say so I just run. I run outside into the rain with not jacket at all. I look behind me to see Jack running after me. I run all the way to my car without stopping. Once I reach my car I break down. "Sarah..." I hear someone from behind me. "Are you going to break up with me?" I ask a little scared of his answer. "No because I know you didn't want to kiss Tom." He says and I give a sigh of relief. "Now come on you'll catch a cold if you stay out here in the rain." He says before taking off his jacket and swing it over mg shoulders.
I stop and turn so I'm looking at Jack and I crush my lips on his. I feel him smile as he wraps his arms around my waist. When we pull away we both smile. "I love you." He whispers. "I love you too." I say before pecking his lips and we keep walking. That's what I needed after what has happened today. I just hope the rest of the day is better.
"Lilly is coming over for dinner Sarah so get the house cleaned up." My mom says. Great just what I need. "I'm not going to clean up the house for her she hates me and its still mad at Mark." I say with a mad tone. "You can invite Jack if you clean half the house." My mom offers. I give a sigh if defeat. "Fine I'll clean the half the house." I say before I start on the living room.
It takes about an hour to clean the house and I just called Jack and he's on his way. To night should be interesting considering me and Lilly hate each other. I'm knocked out of my thoughts by the door bell. I walk over to the door to see Jack like on the sidewalk and Lilly at the door step. I give a sigh of annoyance. "Mark's in his room." Is all I say and she rushes off. As soon as she's out of sight Jack runs up to the door step. "Ok I understand why you hate her." He says with a laugh. We make our way to my room and on the way we pass Mark's room and all we hear is the squeak of the bed a moans of delight. I shake my head and we keep moving. "Hey you wouldn't be complaining if that was us." Jack says. I roll my eyes and we finally make it to my room. I plop myself on my bed while for some reason Jack shuts the door and locks it. He makes his way to my bed and instead on sliding in next to me he havens over me. I put my hands on his shoulder. "Please just this once I won't take it far I promise" Jack begs. I sigh and let my arms fall in defeat. "Fine but we're keeping our pants on." I say. Jack nods and I can see the lust in his eyes.
| A/N: if you don't like heated sense skip this part.|
We star up by I heated make out session. He connects his lips with mine and it starts. After a minute or so I feel his tough lip my bottom lip asking for entrance I open my mouth after a bit of thinking. His tough moves into my mouth slowly making me moan quietly and Jack stops not wanting to take that part to far. He slowly moves his kisses down to my neck and starts to search for my sweet spot. I smirk a little because he can't find it but I think to soon because he hits it I let out another quiet moan but that doesn't make him stop. He speeds up a little before he gets back to my lips. He stops and takes off his shirt. He gives me a pleading look and I nod letting him take mine off and I still have my bra on. He gives me another look like asking if I could take my bra off. I lay the a bit thinking about it and I nod. And I let him unclip my bra and throw it somewhere in the room. Jack sits there staring at me like I'm some sort of dessert or something. I give him a look at he shake his head before he kisses me again he trails his kiss back down to my neck and sweet spot and he snips it a bit making my back arch and my chest press against his. He's about to continue but there's a knock on the door I quickly cover up and Jack slips his shirt back on and I curl up under the blanket and I act like I'm asleep.
|the heated sense is over so you can keep reading now|
"Dinner is ready where's Sarah?" It's my mom. "She fell asleep we'll be down in a minute." He says before I hear the door close. I open eyes. "Could you hand me my clothes I'm cold." I say and he nods before walking over to where my bra is and shirt. After I have everything back on I brush out my hair and we head down stars. At the table I feel really awkward because I'm sitting next to Lilly and she's staring at Jack. This should be a fun nights.

Tough love
Roman d'amourJack and Sarah are going to school, and it's different from when they were together during the summer. They have to deal with the populars and all the people that would want Jack and Sarah apart. Both Sarah and Jack will go though tough times in the...