I pounce on Jack being carful not to hurt his knee in the presses. He groans a little. "Come on wake up." I say bouncing a little while shaking him. "Why?" He grunts. "Because it's thanksgiving!" I exclaim. He opens his eyes slowly and smirks. I tilt my head a little like a dog and he pushes me off. "HEY!" I scream when I land on his butt. "Sorry." He aye with a chuckle. "Man you lucky your hurt." I say getting up. He rolls his eyes and turns on his side facing the sofa. I shake my head. "Do you want baconpancakes?" I ask and he turns. "You would make bacon pancakes?" He asks. "Yeah if you try to get up, come on its almost been two weeks you should at least try to walk to the kitchen." I say.
He groans and stands up slowly and I hand him his crutches. He follows me to the kitchen and sits at the table. "There now that wasn't so hard now was it?" I say getting the bacon out. I start on the bacon and then I start the batter. It doesn't take long for the bacon to finish and I put some batter on the pan then bacon on top before putting more batter on. About ten minutes later I have all the pancakes done and I set the table. Me and Jack eat in a comfortable silence until mom comes down along with Mark and Lilly. "Mom what to,e will we be going to grandma's?" I ask putting me and Jack's dishes up. "In an hour so we can watch the parade together." So every year there is this huge parade in New York the Macy's thanksgiving parade (if you live in the U.S.A. I'm sure you've heard of it).
After an hour as my mom said we drive to my grandmas and watch the parade which lasts about two hours. Half way through the parade my grandma and mom start on dinner (lunch) and by the time the parade is over dinner is ready and we gather to the table. Jack sits next to me with Mark next to him at the head of the table, Lilly next to him, mom my next to her and grandma at the outside of the table as Mark.
Jack's P.O.V.
We just finished dinner and Sarah's grandma told everyone to say something they are thankful for about everyone. Mark went first and it circled around to Sarah and I was the last. "So what I'm thankful about grandma is being here I can't like without you and my life would change drastically if you weren't here, mom thank you for having me born without you I would be here, Lilly I don't even know, Mark thank you for being there for me when I needed it, and last but definitely not least Jack. Jack Michels, I'm so so sooooo thankful for you in my life I can't picture my life without you." She says patting me on the back after every word. I chuckle a little knowing I now have to mess with her because she was so cheesy. I go around I skip Lilly mostly because I barley know her then I finally get to Sarah. "Sarah I'm and soooo thankful for you making me breakfast this morning." I say. "Ok so let's-" her grandma starts but Sarah cuts her off. "I don't think he's done yet." She gives me a stern look. "Oh I can't believe I forgot, thank you for helping me with moving back. (She give me a you-have-to-be-kidding look) ok fine I'm soooooooooooooo thankful for you." I finally shakes her head. I smirk at her reaction. I already know ten rest of the day will be interesting.
*HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!! I hope your having a good day!*

Tough love
RomanceJack and Sarah are going to school, and it's different from when they were together during the summer. They have to deal with the populars and all the people that would want Jack and Sarah apart. Both Sarah and Jack will go though tough times in the...