Chapter 31

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I look around in Jack's room for anything I could use for a costume and then I find his Sebastian cosplay. If your wondering I basically live here now because the bitch of a Lilly moved into my house. "Jack can I use your shirt and vest from the Sebastian cosplay?" I ask and Jack walks in in a suit. "Yeah sure but don't mess it up you can use the tie also." He says. I nod him a thanks before I grab my black pants and I get changed before slipping on some black heels and doing my hair and makeup. "Jack what are you supposed to be?" I ask walk into the living room. "Daredevil duh." He says putting some shades on. "So you a blind man, ok." I say and I roll my eyes a little. I grab my bag and keys. "Come one let's get to school we're going to be late." I say and with that he stands up before grabbing a stick and he head out to school.

When he arrive some girl gather around Jack and tell him how handsome he looks or how cool he is, it's just stupid. I roll my eyes and I walk away from the crowd. "Hey Sarah." I hear from behind me. I turn to see Marky Mark walking over to me. "Hey mark nice costume." I say and I take in the assassins creed costume. "Thanks nice butler costume." He says. "Thanks." I say and lany walks up with a cat costume on. She stands by Mark and intertwines her finger with his. "Ok when did that happen?" I ask pointing to their fingers. "About thirty minutes ago." ,any says. I nod. "Well you look cute together." Just as I say that some does the same to my hand and I look up to see Jack. "It took you long enough to get away from the crowd of girls." I say in a teasing tone. Jack shrugs. "Class is about to start we better get going." Mark says and we go our separate way to class after stopping at our lockers which are right next to each other.


I walk down the hall on my way to science when I hear some boys laughing. "Hey you there your a butler right? (I look at them and nod) well then go get me some chips servant." One of them laughs. "Are you making fun of my costume?" I ask they laugh harder. "Wow it's true butlers aren't that bright." They laugh before they walk off. I shake my head feeling hurt. I sigh before I rush to science.

I walk out of class and I see those boys again and they start to walk over my way. I walk a little fast and soon I take off my heals and I start to run to my locker because I know Jack would probably be there. I forget that I have socks on so as I turn I slide and run into the wall but I don't stop once I have my balance I keep running. I was about to my locker when I bump into Marky Mark. "Mark thank goodness I found you there are some guys making fun of my costume and I'm pretty sure they are going to start pushing me around." I say and I point at the two guys who are coming around the corner running our way. Mark nods and stands in front of me. "Go on and try to find Jack I'll hold them off." Mark says and I nod before rushing off. Once I'm all the way down the hall I put my heels back on.

I finally make it to my locker and sure enough Jack was waiting. I get my things for drama and we walk down to class together. We sit in our seat as the teacher walks in. "Ok we will be doing a project for the next week I want you to pick a song that is school appropriate, make dance moves write them down on the lyrics and the stage directions and perform the moves and lip sync to the song and it must be 60-90 seconds. Now go find a partner." She says then me and Jack look straight at each other. "Ok what song do you think we should do?" He asks. I think for a sec then it pops in my head. "Radioactive, we should do radioactive." I say he nods before telling the teacher and she gets the lyrics.

I walk out of orchestra and I walk to the band room and I wait for Jack. Once we walks out we walk to our lockers hand n' hand. I get my things from my locker for cheer and Jack gets his things for a book club. After I'm changed Jack walks me to the cheer room before making his way across the school for book club. I sigh and I walk into the cheer room and I see Chelsea. "Hey cousin." She says acting like a brat. I rather have to deal with Alois and that's saying something (you wouldn't understand unless you know about black butler)! "Don't call me that."I spit at her. "Oh come on don't act like that. (She comes up to my ear) keep acting like a bitch to me and the little secret about what you said to your brother gets out." She smirks as I stiffen. "You wouldn't." I say a little scared. "I would." Anger bubbles up in me. "Your a bitch." I whisper under my breath. "What was that sweetie?" She asks. "N-nothing." I stutter. She smirks again then I see lany walk up to the door holding hand with Marky Mark. They say their byes before she walks over to me and pats me on the back. "Come on girls let's get to practice." Our couch says and we get in formations.

I blank out half way through the class and I have to stay for a thirty minutes detention. I tell Jack and I get my things before I walk to the cheer room. The thirty minutes go by surprisingly quick and I make my out side and I walk over to a tree where Jack was waiting for me. "Sorry for making you wait." I say a little embarrassed. "It's fine I'm just happy you didn't get an hour of detention. I nod and we walk over to his car.

What am I going to do about Chelsea? I just can't let her bother me, tomorrow is Saturday and Halloween just focus on that and Jack, I'll me fine... Well I think I will at least.

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