Today has gone by fast and I'm talking to Maddie at the moment. "Me you Jack and Eddie should go on a double date tonight!" Maddie says and I can hear the excitement in her tone. I nod. "That would be awesome!" I exclaim. "I'll ask Jack after." I say and I see Jack come around the corner with his stuff. I wave at him. "Hey so Maddie suggested that me you her and Eddie go on a double date tonight." I say as he wraps his arms around me. "Umm.. I don't know..." He says a little uneasy. "Come on it'll be fine Eddie will be there." I say with a small pout. He sighs and nods. "Fine." He says. "Ok umm... Interurban?" I ask and they nod. "Ok see you then." Maddie says before walking off. I look at Jack and he raises his eyebrow a little. I shake my head and we start our way to his car. It's been a while since I've been on a double date. The last time was when me and Sally got hit by the car.
|Flash back|
Sally tripped and fell in the road. I ran over to her then I hear jack yelling then I see head lights and then everything thing goes black.
|End flash back|
I shiver from the memory a little making Jack look at me. "Just remembered something." I say making him nod and we head to his apartment.
--- at interurban
Me and Jack walk in and scan the area for Maddie and Eddie. "There." I say pointing to where they are. We walk over and sit. "Hey man long time no see." Eddie says once Jack sits next to him. Jack nods. "Yeah we need to hang more often." Jack says with a smile. After a few minutes of talking and looking for what we want the waiter comes up to us and takes our order. "So how did you two meet?" Eddie asks once the waiter is gone. Jack opens his mouth but he starts to wheeze. "Come on Jack you can't be having an attack now." I groan quickly getting to his side and getting his inhaler from my purse. Once he takes care of himself he starts to settle down and i sit back down putting the inhaler back in my purse. The last time Jack had an asthma attack was when he asked me out.
|flash back|
' I love you jack, I love you' I said in my head. After 20 minutes jack woke up. He sat up and started to cough. He pulled something out of his pocket.
' is that a inhaler?' I asked my self. When he stopped coughing he looked at me.
" jack, you.... you ok?" I said hesitating a bit.
" ya, I'm fine." He said as I helped him up. I looked at my watch "3:30". I looked at him, I looked in his beautiful blue eye.
" jack..." I stopped, " I... I.... Love you." I said hugging him.
|End flash back|
I'm knocked from my thoughts when a late is place in front of me. I nod the waiter a thanks. After we eat we start to talk. "So to answer your question Eddie about how me and Sarah met... Well we met in Branson MO. On a ride called the showboat." Jack says starting the conversation. "So how did you two meet?" I ask. "Well I helped Maddie handle Chelsea and I just kinda saw something in her I liked." Eddie says with a shrug. We talk for another ten minutes or so when my phone rings. "Yo." I say answering. "Hey sis when will you be back?" I hear Mark's voice. "I won't be for another twenty minutes or so maybe not that long." I hear him sigh. "Why?" "Well I have a surprise for you sis." He says. "Can't wait." I say sarcastically. "So are we still going to Branson on Saturday?" I ask. "Yeah. Umm... I got to go." He says. "Ok bye." I say hanging up. I look at Jack who is just staring off into space you can tell he's not feeling 100%. "Hey umm... We better go, Jack you don't look so good." He shrugs. "I'll see you guy tomorrow." I say giving Eddie and Maddie a small wave. "I'm driving, you need some rest." I say giving him a small pat on the back.

Tough love
RomanceJack and Sarah are going to school, and it's different from when they were together during the summer. They have to deal with the populars and all the people that would want Jack and Sarah apart. Both Sarah and Jack will go though tough times in the...