I plop on the sofa after church. "What do you want to do for dinner?" I ask Jack who sits under my legs. He shrugs a little. I don't know. I have bagel bites." He suggested and I nod. I lay there for a bit then I remember something I want to talk to Jack about. I get up and walk to the kitchen where Jack was getting the bagel bites ready. "Jack... Can we talk about something?" I ask. He turns around and looks at me. "Yeah what about?" He asks and I hear the fear in his tone. I sigh. "So you know the lesson today in Sunday school? (He nods) About having Godly relationships? (He nods again) Well I was thinking we should have a more Godly relationship." He looks at me a little confused. "And how would we do that?" He asks. "Well like don't take anything to far like we should just go as far as just a kiss nothing bigger. Could we try that? We don't have to if you don't want to..." I trail off and I look at the ground. Jack shoots closer to me putting a hand on my shoulder and a hand under my chin making me look up at him. "If fine with whatever as long as I have you." He says. I smile a little and I place a small kiss and his cheek. "Thank you." I say.
I go back to the sofa as Jack put the bagel bites in the oven the he sits next to me. He flicks through the channels then stops on the football game with OU and Baylor. I roll my eyes and I spread out on the couch my head in Jack's lap. "What's up with people (by people I mean men) and football games?" I ask him and he shrugs. "Don't know I think it has to do with the gender." He jokes and I shake my head. The oven goes off and I hop up and I head to the kitchen. I open the oven and take the bagel bites out and I place them on the stove. I grab a plate and I wait a few minutes for then to cool before I scoop then up and I place them on the plate.
I walk in and Jack's head snaps to me and his eyes follow me and I come over to the sofa and I sit. "You hungry?" I ask and he nods. I take a bagel bite and I hold it up. "Open." I command. He rolls his eyes and does as told. I giggle a little and I put the bagel bite in his mouth and I watch him eat it slowly. I take my own and eat it. Once we're done eating I lay down again with my head in his lap and I close my eyes a little. I let out a yawn and Jack starts to stroke my hair. "We should get to bed we do have school tomorrow." He says with a small chuckle.
I get up and I'm basically a zambie (zombie) all the way to his room. I change into some some short shorts and I tank top before plopping on the bed and curling up and I tell Jack he can come in. He smiles as he looks at me and take off his shirt and pants leaving him with boxers. He plops next to me and pulls the covers over us, and that's the last thing I remember before falling asleep.

Tough love
Roman d'amourJack and Sarah are going to school, and it's different from when they were together during the summer. They have to deal with the populars and all the people that would want Jack and Sarah apart. Both Sarah and Jack will go though tough times in the...