Sarah's P.O.V.
My fever was only a 24 hour thing and I'm better now. To night is Christmas Eve and everyone is here even Thomas and his family. Right now my uncle roger is in the kitchen with my grandma making pies for tomorrow and me and Jack are playing a card game. I look at the time, 9:30. I smile a little about the time to start the flour fight that we do every year just me and roger. When me and Jack finish I get up and I walk to the kitchen slowly my hair up into a messy ponytail ready for my face to become Snow White. I walk over to him slowly and he sprinkles some flour on the pie dough. I look at him then the cup of flour in front of me. I give out a small giggle then I grab the cup and I puff it at his face the I run as he does his reaction.
Pounce into the den as I hear his footsteps behind me. I stop to see he had stopped and I see Jack laughing while shaking his head. I move slowly to the other side of the table that's in the middle of the room. Roger looks at me while following me. I smile a little again the I take off for the garage. I hear him running after me as I run through the garage. The only time I hear him stop is when i enter the cold night. I freeze when I realize it's Pitch black put here and the garage door is locked. No more than a minute later Jack comes out and pulls me inside.
We walk into the den me looking around for roger. Jack squeezes my hand a little and I look up at him. He gives me a sweet smile and I return it. We sit back down and we start another round of card. A few minutes through and Jack looks up a little. I give home a weird look and before I could do my turn a cup of flour is poured onto my head. I gasp a little and I turn around in my chair to see roger. I glare at him before I get up and I head to the kitchen and I grab the bag of flower. I walk into the den where he was and I try to grow the flour at him but he moves out of the way and it hits Jack. I put my hand over my mouth to prevent myself from laughing out loud.
I shakes his head making some flour fall to the ground. "I'm so sorry Jack." I say backing up a
Little as he gets up and walks to me slowly. I look around to see it was just me and him. He smirks a little when I hit the wall and he pins me down by putting his hand on both side of me on the wall. I rase an eyebrow at him. "Really?" He asks in a soft voice. "I didn't really mean to. The flour bomb was meant for my uncle." I say back in the same volume. I shrugs then crushes our lips together. He moves his hand to my waist wrapping them around me as I wrap my arms around his neck. If Mary hadn't had walked in me probably would have stayed like that for about five minutes.She looks at us then shakes her head. I look at Jack his hair almost completely white with flour and his face is covered, I probably look the same. He looks at me then pulls away. I get a small shiver from the cold air hitting me. I need his body heat. "I'm going to take a shower." Jack says before heading to the bathroom. I shake my head and flour fall out. "We're going to watch the family videos." My mom says walking over to me. "Can we wait till I take a shower?" I ask and she nods.
It's almost thirty minutes until Jack gets out. I jump in and I take about a twenty minutes shower. I change into snoopy PJS after completing drying off. I walk into the den where everyone is waiting for me. Jack is sitting on the floor in the middle of everyone. I plop down next to him and Mark starts the videos. The first is when we were about five and everyone was there Braden, dad, grandpa, Sally. Jack swings his arm around me and pulls me closer knowing I'm might break down. We go through a few more one was of me and roger having a flour fight, it was the best one and I was running around the house Like a ninja.
An hour goes by and everyone leaves. Mark and Lizzy head home along with mom but me and Jack stay here because we always have Christmas here in the morning. I make a bed on the couch and so does Jack and we get settled. "Night." Jack says turning off the light and the tree lights up. I lay there as I hear Jack's soft snoring. I lay there until my mind finally lets sleep take over.
Jack's P.O.V.
I wake up and I look around. Sarah wasn't sleeping on the couch she is sitting there tapping away on her phone. I smile and I stretch a little while yawning. I get up and I walk over to Sarah. She looks up at me and smiles. "Morning." She says a soft tone. "Merry Christmas." I say back.
We sit there for a hour until mom, Mark, and lily get here and by the time they do Tomas and his family had gotten up (Btw they spent the night I just forgot to say that). Soon all of Sarah's family gets there and her grandma starts some pancakes. After Sarah and Lizzy eat they go into the restroom so Lizzy can do Sarah's hair,
I was just about to sit in the couch when Lizzy calls for me. I rush into the restroom and Sarah acts like she's going to pass out. I pick her and I carry her to the couch. "Sarah." I look at her and her starts to come back. "Jack I need some water." She coughs. I nod and I get up to get her a glass. Once I have the glass I take it to her. She takes the glad and gulps it down. I wipe some hair from her face. "You feeling ok?" She nods. I smile. "Ok now just lay here until it's time for presents" I say before kissing her head.
About an hour goes by and Sarah is sound asleep. I walk over to her and shake her lightly. "It's time for presents." I opens her eyes slowly. She sits up giving me room to sit next to her. I wrap my arms around her and she curls up next to me. "You felling better?" She nods. After a few minutes the family starts to pile in. Mark, Thomas and me help pass out presents. It doesn't take long for every present to be ripped open and we have to clean up. After the clean up tho,as get out his bible a reads the Christmas story.
After the Christmas we start dinner (lunch) which is gone in like ten minutes then we get on to desert. Sarah get a piece of pumpkin pie and cover is with cool whip. She walks slowly over to where roger is sitting, talking enjoying himself that is until she shoves i in his face and runs off so fast he can't even process what just happened. I laugh at the action. He gets up after cleaning his face and grabs a nerf gun one of Sarah's cousins got. I look outside to see Sarah running into the yard.
This is going to be a long afternoon...
*i hope you enjoy this chapter! 50th chapter and Christmas!*

Tough love
RomanceJack and Sarah are going to school, and it's different from when they were together during the summer. They have to deal with the populars and all the people that would want Jack and Sarah apart. Both Sarah and Jack will go though tough times in the...