Chapter 2 - A Visit and College Interview Day

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King Triton and Queen Melody had to wait in the little salty pool that was on Hulinya Waterfall, the only waterfall in Tanyela. The pool was located above to where the Water Exit was, above the falling water that poured into Hulinya Lake. They rested themselves above the water, their elbows on the grass as they waited lazily in the water, their tails floating under them.

“Nicole’s gonna freak out.” The Queen stated, turning her heads towards her husband.

“Yeah, I know.” He replied as she scooted closer. “But it’s gotta be done and it's gonna be fine. How we hid it from her this long…”

“She’s gonna be so mad at us.” She breathed as Nicole came into a view, her blonde hair flying behind her, riding a white pegasus up to the top, next to the dark-haired man who was flying beside her, and others dressed more formal with swords. And they realized who she brought with her.

“Why’d she bring them?” He questioned to himself.

“Oh crap, the King.” She muttered to her husband, and the couple, as well as a few guards. “I thought we only said Nicole.”

“Yeah, but Tanyela security grew through the roof when Princess Calia was kidnapped. After her and her daughter was almost killed, it's safe to say they upped security to the highest level.” He concluded, and she nodded in acknowledgement. “And Tanyela’s always been a little paranoid.”

“No kidding.” She whispered lastly before Queen Nicole jumped off the winged horse, her light, airy dress revealing only a little of the skinny legs she's always had. She approached the pool, jumping in and swimming over to her parents. King Aaron and the guards stayed on land. The water sparkled as Nicole’s legs transformed into a scaly-patterned tail, the same goldish-green that matched her mother’s.

“Hey!” She greeted, hugging her parents. “Didn’t expect to see you two here… ever. Did something happen?”

“Yeah, well we need to have a family talk.” King Triton stated as he glared at the faeries, sank under the water, the Queen and Nicole following him. They sank about a hundred feet, near the Antastica Water Exit, and began their discussion.

“What’s this about?” Nicole asked, waving her arms questionably.

“We need you to help us with something.” King Triton answered, and they all stopped sinking and floated calmly in the water, their hair floating above them.

“Help? Why?” Nicole shot at them worriedly, jerking her head back and forth between her parents. “Has something happened?”

“No, no, nothing too serious.” The Queen soothed, and the area shaded over. They all glanced up and saw the faeries standing above, eyeing the merpeople. “Do they really have to do that?”

“They’re only doing their job.” Nicole stated, annoyance in her tone. “But yeah, it’s pretty insane here…”

“We’re your parents, what are they so worried about?” The King asked stupidly, and Nicole shrugged.

“I don’t know, but some people have done some stupid things in the magical worlds.” The Queen replied, and they all knew it was true.

“What do you two want me to do?” Nicole asked, focusing back on the subject. The royals exchanged a look, and the story of hidden things has started…


Today was the College Interview day where high-schoolers like my friends and I are interviewed to see if we deserved a college scholarship. It was mostly for Seniors though, and since I'm a Sophomore, I knew I wasn't going to get in. Some colleges who have hope about orphans come here, looking for any sign or proof of anything smart. Not like it's that simple here though, most of the people didn't care about school because they thought they'd be living here all their lives. However, the orphanage kicks them out when they're eighteen. So good luck with that one, guys.

We ran inside, trying to be quiet against the hardwood floor. We were still soaked, but it usually dried quickly, so as long as we could make our way up the stairs and into our rooms…

"Where have you three been?" I heard the very adult-female voice behind us. I stopped on the stairs and turned around slowly, watching Ms. Peterson with her arms crossed and tapping her foot impatiently. "The professors have been looking for everyone, and you three are last and holding them up."

"Um, well…" I trailed, rubbing the back of my neck nervously. She pounded down the stairs, grabbing my wrist and forcing me into my room.

"No matter, just clean yourself up." She ordered, and I nodded, sighing in relief. I ran to the dresser with my drawer full of clothes, pulling out jeans and a loose T-shirt, slipping off my wet clothes and putting on the fresh, dry ones. I brushed out the sand and water from my hair, trying to get it to look presentable. My hair was kinda frizzy and wavy, but still looked okay. I swiped on a light layer of lipstick and smiled at myself in the mirror. I retied my necklace even tighter, letting the shell's shine bounce off the mirror, and declared myself ready. Hopefully my friends would be ready too, because the college professors were probably thinking about leaving by now.

I exited quietly, noticing my friends and Ms. Peterson outside, Molly brushing her hair and Danny smoothing out his shirt. For the most part, we all looked presentable.

“Oh Molly, no one from Gallaudet came today.” Ms. Peterson told her. She tilted her head to the side in confusion, so I turned and signed it to her. She pouted, crossing her arms. I would be mad too, Gallaudet was the only Deaf University in the United States. I did feel bad for her, but when Gallaudet comes, she’ll be ready for it, and I know she’ll get accepted. 

Sorry. I signed to her.

She sighed, but shrugged. It’s okay. She signed back. I hugged her quickly before following Danny and Ms. Peterson down the stairs and into one of the many conference rooms, where one of the professors was sitting, her grey hair in a neat, tight bun, a dark-green and black patterned blouse and black pencil skirt, legs crossed, a clipboard lying on her top thigh. I sat down awkwardly, sitting up straight with my hands folded on the desk. She stayed silent for a while, and I was tapping my fingers impatiently on the desk until she began speaking.

"Hmm…" She muttered, lowering her clipboard, eyeing me intensely, making me uncomfortable. "I've been waiting a while for you."

"Okay." I replied, not really knowing how to. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be." She smiled, her thin eyeglass frames lowering. She went back to her clipboard and eyed some small text on the papers. "Okay Lily, your GPA isn't horrible…"

"It's a three point five." I stated, sounding proud. I wasn't the smartest, but I wasn't entirely dumb either.

"Yes yes, I see that." She replied, letting go of the papers, and I watched them flip down. "What do you want to do after you leave here?"

"Well." I started, my gaze raising upwards, and I stared at the ceiling, thinking. I really wasn't too sure, but I knew the basics. "I want to be out in the sea, swimming with the animals and feeling the coolness against my skin…" I was daydreaming now, but what kind of job would I be able to swim with them? "A scuba diver, maybe… like an oceanographer."

"I see…" She whispered, writing something down. "Have you always loved the ocean?"

"Yes." I breathed, nodding and sighing. "I love it so much, and I can't explain why." I stood up, pacing the floor like a theatre monologue. "I've always felt… like I belong to the sea, you know?" I finished, facing her with hopefulness. My spirits dropped when she looked at me like I was completely crazy. Of course, why wouldn't she? The only people who didn't think I was crazy were my friends. They were the only ones who understood me, and I couldn't get into any colleges or anything if they thought I was crazy because I wanted to live my life out on the ocean. "You think I'm completely crazy." I breathed, feeling tears in my eyes, but none dripped down my face.

"No, it's… interesting." She replied, her voice sliding from cheery to dark, a stereotypical evil grin on her face. But she was a professor, they were all just a little bit insane. She stood up quickly, extending her arm out to me. "It was nice… meeting you." She told me, and I nodded. She left the room quickly, her sharp heels pounding loudly against the hardwood floor. It was short, a little too short, but I shrugged her strangeness from me and exited, going back upstairs to Molly.

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