Chapter 33 - Stabbed and a Threat

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"We've searched the entire ocean, Triton." Queen Melody stated, hugging her body, keeping herself warm in the continuously-decreasing-temperature waters. They were now up north, about fifty miles away from Antastica, and the Alaskan/Canadian area. "I really don't think she's here."

"And just give up?" The King shot back, signally his freezing guards to go even farther into the colder waters. "Now when my daughter's out there and Lucille's trying to kill her."

"I'm saying she's probably out on Earth!" She reasoned, swimming in front of him to stop him from swimming out further. "The guards are suffering, we have to go back."

"Stop it!" He screamed, shoving her aside as he continued. "We can't be too sure."

"Lucille's not here." She stated.

"She has to be." He shot back.

"Well, I don't know about you, but I'm going back. It's too cold, and I don't even think Lucille could last that long out here." She told him before swimming south, and began the journey home.

But she didn't realize she was going alone, or the events that followed that would change everything.


I was wrong. I thought they were finally starting to become friends, but they almost ended up killing each other. Again. I can't win. No matter what I do or what I try to avoid, something between them always happens. Is it my fault? What did I do to make them act like that? Well, besides sorta rejecting Danny, but it wasn't really a rejection, right? It was just me… but then again, this was also just him. Until Dillon decided to get himself involved. Well, I guess that's what happens when you bring a human and a merboy together in the same place. But still be fighting to the death!? This has to stop!

"Lily?" Danny asked from the other side of the door, but I shook my head, clutching my pillow and letting my tears fall into it.

"Aqua, come on." Dillon said, cracking the door open slightly.

"Don't come in!" I ordered, and the door shut quickly.

"Come on, she'll be better in the morning." Danny assured him as I heard footsteps go into the room next to mine, and others that walked farther down. I laid back down on my bed and faced the window, looking out into the sparkling sea, wishing I was away from the guys and with my parents, even with Nicole, I didn't care. Just away from here.

I hope everything is going better down there though…


Queen Melody was about halfway back to Antastica, and was finally out of the northern range when she almost ran into the one person she was looking for.

"Lucille!" She screamed as she jerked around, finding no one but herself. She breathed slowly and turned back around, but Lucille was only laughing. "Why do you keep showing up where I go?"

"Because you're easy to track." She smirked, circling around her. "And all this time, you hid it from your husband."

"I don't have any Magic." She stated, swimming away from her. "I haven't for a long time."

"That's just what you want him to think. But what does he know? He's been living with you for so long, you just assume he doesn't know." She smirked, pulling out a glass bottle from the back. "And why did you hide it from him?"

"Well, when I found out Aqua had Magic, he freaked out. I was going to tell him, but-" She cut herself off as she pulled the cork top off. "What are you doing?"

"I'm doing what I intended to do the first time." She told her before the black lightning soared from her fingertips, striking the Queen, and she was frozen in place as the purple glow surrounded her, followed by the gold glowing ball that surfaced after it. "It's not the King's, but it'll have to do."

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