Chapter 19 - King of the Wingless

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Tanyela was much different than from anywhere I've been so far. The only thing that I've seen consistent is the sky and grass color. Not only that, but I haven't seen many faeries around either, and I thought this place would be loaded. And as I was walking up to the edge of where I was… wherever that was… I wondered how places like these even came into existence. Or maybe it was Earth that formed after the mythical worlds… who knows. I'll plan to learn that later.

I approached the edge of the cliff, realizing there were tons of gallons of water pouring over the edge of it. I breathed slowly as the sight of it all. The rocky surface I was standing on had at least a thousand feet just like it directly underneath, the cool water falling over rapidly. There was a lake with a smaller river on ground level, heading north, passing trees of multiple shades of green, yellow, pink, purple, all the spring colors. There was so much, and it all looked like the world was in peace and harmony, it almost made me turn back so I couldn't throw it into chaos.

But then I saw the animals, and I mean not just the ones that Earth has. I saw pegasuses, unicorns, even a couple dragons dotting the area, but nothing was killing it each other. Nothing was eating any other living thing. The circle of life wasn't taking place like it did on Earth.

Then I saw two castles; one in the north and one in the east. I didn't know which one the King lived in, but no matter. I'd find it eventually, even if I had to get through two of them. But why were there two castles? Were there two rulers? I couldn't see much, but the one in the east had red and black and looked stereotypically evil, with dark stone pillars and a tall tower, where the one in the north had blues, greens and yellows, a more welcoming look, with glass all over the walls.

But where was King Aaron?

"Red and black." I stated, feeling that his evil, murdering soul had to be expressed on the outside. "I'll leave the nice King alone." I growled, looking around for any sight of different faeries to know what they looked like.

But yet, I haven't seen a single faerie.

I headed down the steep path to the ground level, hoping to stay out of trouble as long as I could get to the castle in one piece. But where were the faeries? I haven't seen a single one. But where I was going had to have faeries, unless… Lucy sent me in the wrong direction. But she wouldn't do that, she's my friend, and I helped her.

I finally found ground level, stepping on the light-blue path that either headed north, or headed east, changing once it hit a bridge and abruptly going to grey. I took the bridge and grey path, ready to confront and kill King Aaron. He couldn't have been too heavily guarded, right? Not like it mattered. I was going to kill him, even if I've never killed a single thing in my life. I'd slice his wings and stab him through the heart, and any other people who stood in my way.

But I wasn't too sure when I started seeing the people.

They didn't have wings. None of them did. I saw the rows of houses lined against the sidewalk, and whenever someone was walking down the sidewalk or came out of a house, nobody had the faintest outline of wings. Faeries had wings, right? That's what made them classified as faeries! Where were the wings? Where was the flight?

And once people started noticing me, the whispering started.

"Who is she?" I heard someone whisper.

"I haven't seen her before." Another one said sharply.

"She isn't dressed like us…" I heard one mutter, and I realized it was true. They all had things from nature on, like rose petals for shirts and flowers in their hair, leaves sewn into shirts and branches made for the straps of shoes. I had on the airy blue dress and a black jacket, with no shoes either. I looked… human. And that's what people were calling me.

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