Chapter 15 - The Name is Lily

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Nicole didn't like getting up at three in the morning, for any reason, but now she was on the search to find her lost sister? She hated that even more. All she had been doing for the last two hours was walking up and down streets to find any sort of clue that her sister was still in Sacury. Although, it had been six in the morning, so finding anyone would be a challenge. But if she didn't come back without her, what would her parents think… or do? Even though she really didn't like them right now, she still had to help them. And it was true, she did want to find her sister.

But she still didn't like how she was dressed as a human and was remembering the human ways she left behind a long time ago.

"Now, if I was a mermaid that was living as a human, where would I be…? Nicole asked herself as she found her way back to the ocean, but didn't see her parents anywhere. "I'd be living next to the ocean because every mermaid loves to swim." She reasoned with herself, but she couldn't go check every single house that lived on or next to the beach. That would be crazy and she'd probably get arrested, and then Aaron would have to come bail her out… faerie style. But she didn't have the plan of needing his help.

Light soon started to show over the horizon, which also meant school was starting soon. Now she wasn't about to go to every high school in the district in search of her, but the only thing she needed was some reason to get in there. Everything about the mermaids holds true; if they have the right color of eyes, they’re a mermaid.

All she needs to look at are the eyes.

She entered a clothing store as casually as possible, purchasing a white cloak like a doctor's. She left casually, looking around suspiciously, but putting it on. She was playing the doctor, she had to look like it. She would be the eye doctor, going around schools in search of anything that looked like an “infection” that had recently been discovered. The plan was simple, but it was going to be so hard to be executed all because of human school districts. They're safety has been upped a lot because of other, complicated reasons that the mythical worlds haven't heard of.

Once she found the high school, she wasn't looked at twice when walking up to the main doors. Everyone thought she was just a normal observer doing normal tasks, and no one wanted to question it either. She strolled into the building, approaching the main office and walking inside, leaning her elbows against the front desk.

"Can I help you?" The receptionist asked as she stopped typing on the computer.

"Hi, I'm doctor Nicole Newman, I'm here because there's a serious eye infection going around and I need to make sure none of the kids have it." She stated, but the receptionist looked at her funny, examining her left and right.

"We weren't expecting anyone today." She shot back, finding no nametag. "And we're on pretty much lockdown today."

"Well I'm sorry for bothering you but this needs to be done." Nicole shot back, watching some of the people who were in there leave. "But this really needs to be done because there's an infection going around and some students might have it."

"I haven't heard anything about an infection." She stated, crossing her arms. "The school district would've heard about it."

"Look, it just sprouted out of nowhere and it's causing people to go permanently blind, so do you want high schoolers to go blind or not!?" She finally snapped, slamming her flat hand down on the desk. "So help me God, if any of these students go blind, it'll be on your head." She growled, turning around and heading towards the door.

"Wait!" The receptionist called frantically, making Nicole stop when she heard the plastic phone and buttons being clicked. "Yeah, nurse Moore, there's a doctor from the Sacury Medical Center for you." She spoke quickly into the phone and hung up as quickly as she picked it up. "Nurse Moore will see you and arrange class meetings… what exactly are you looking for?"

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