Chapter 35 - The Queen is Dead

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King Triton held the half-shell to his chest as he reached the balcony, where he called a kingdom meeting, and everyone was there. Everyone was quiet once they didn't see Queen Melody with him. He held his fist out into the water, letting the shell float on the black string that was between his fingers. "Queen Melody is dead." He whimpered, breathing in deeply and letting out choking breaths as he said it. "Lucile killed her."

The whole kingdom roared with their whispers and some of their eyes even showed red from what they wanted to cry. "Lucille's rage cannot continue any longer. We have to find her, and no one will sleep, not here, or any other world, until she is dead." He brought the shell close to his chest again, feeling his wife's memory seep into his head. "Nicole and Aqua have not yet been notified, but we are on our way to go inform Nicole now. Be careful out there, Lucille could be anywhere."

He stepped back from the balcony and into the quiet room, holding his hands up to his face, letting his emotion break out into a loud wail. He collapsed to the floor, feeling his arms be the only thing keeping him up, seeing the shell on the ground, the shell that belonged to a woman that lived a week ago.

If only someone went with her.

He slowly picked himself up, wiping his burning eyes as he tied the necklace around his neck, and hurried downstairs, motioning to his guards to follow him. They traveled to the Tanyela Entrance and made sure no one was around before opening it, not ready, but had to tell Nicole what had happened. Hopefully her husband wouldn't go with her.

They swam to the top, motioning the guards that were there to go notify Nicole of their arrival. They flew off towards Riveredge, and the King felt tears roll down his face when he saw Nicole in his view. He took a deep breath in as her horse landed, and she jumped off, a smile on her face.

"Good news?" She smiled, sitting down on the grass in front of him, but the smile disappeared fast. "What happened?"

"It's your mom." He started, holding the shell necklace out for her to see. "She's dead." His last words were a whisper, looking into her eyes, waiting for a response.

Her lips started trembling, and her eyes became red, and the first tear trickled down in mere seconds. "No…" I trailed, sniffling and wiping her eyes. "No, you're kidding me, you have to." She brought her hands up to her face, screaming and sobbing into them. "She can't be dead!"

"Nicole…" He whispered, bring her closer so he could wrap his arms around her. "It's going to be okay, you still have Aaron, Aqua and I."

"We will never be a family!" She screamed, jerking away from him. "We will never be a family ever again!"

"I know!" He agreed with her, and they both cried on each other's shoulders for what seemed like hours. "Trust me, I know." He pulled away from her slowly, untying the necklace and tying it around her neck. "She would've wanted you to have it."

"How did Mom die?" She asked, the words trembling from her mouth.

"Lucille." He said the one word, and she blew up.

"Lucille!?" She screamed, jumping up and running to a Tanyela guard. "I need you to notify King Aaron and to have all the worlds on lockdown. We're finding that son of a bitch today."

"Yes your Highness." He replied as he grabbed another guard and flew towards Riveredge, and the sorrow Nicole felt turned into rage and hatred. 

"Dad." She stared to get his attention again. "We are going to find her, right?"

"Of course we will." He assured her as she turned her head towards him. "That bitch has to pay for everything she's ever done to us as a family, and as a kingdom."

"Daddy." She whimpered like she was five years old again. "I'm scared."

"Don't be." He assured, opening his arms as she ran and jumped in the water, feeling the comfort of her father's arms surround her. "We're going to get through this… together."

"With or without Aqua?" She asked, feeling the tears she thought that dried up fall from her face. "She's part of the family too."

"But she's her next target, I'm sure of it." He countered, breaking the comfort, but keeping his hands on her shoulders. "She'll know eventually. She has to."

"When is she coming back?" She whispered, seeing the guards come back from Riveredge… with Aaron.

"Oh shit." Triton muttered as Aaron reached the ground, and Nicole jumped out of the water, wrapping herself in his arms.

"Oh my God, are you okay?" Aaron asked, wiping hair from her face. "I heard what happened."

"I know." She whimpered as she cried on Aaron's shoulder, and he stroked her hair soothingly.

"It's gonna be okay though."

"No it's not!" She shrieked, jerking away from him, finding herself caught between the two. "Don't you see I will never have my family back!?"

"Nicole, that's not what I meant…" He trailed, holding out his hand, but she shook her head, stepping back from him.

"I'm bringing Aqua back." She stated, looking between the two most important men in her life. "I have to, she's my sister."

"Are you going to be able to find her?" Aaron asked, grabbing hold of her wrist gently. "I don't want you getting hurt…"

"Well, too bad I already freaking am." She whimpered, jerking free of him. "I'm going to find her and bring her back before Lucille finds her and kills her too. At least she'll be safe in Tanyela. It doesn't take rocket science to bring her here."

"Yes, but everyone here her age has Magic." Aaron countered, and she raised one index finger straight out at him, shutting him up.

"Shut it." She ordered, looking back at her dad. "I'll see you soon, Dad. Skin some sea witch for me, will ya? It'll do everyone real good."

"I've been trying." He replied, sinking back into the water and traveling back to Antastica.

"Are you sure you're going to be okay?" Aaron asked, and she took a deep breath in, facing him with her hands together.

"No, I will never be okay again." She replied, walking past him and over to the rocks where the Water Exit, remembering how to open it. "My family has been torn apart and destroyed ever since Ocea died, and now, it's even worse. So know what? I'm going to pull whatever family I have back together." She stated, watching the portal through the rock open in front of her. "And I plan to be back with my sister. If you need to see me, I'm always on the necklace."

"Oh trust me." He smiled, bringing out a Forget-me-not necklace, which had the ability to see anyone with the say of a name. "I know."

"Okay." She breathed, closing her eyes and pulling him in for one last kiss before she left, feeling the assurance on his lips. She pulled away slowly, her eyes flickering open, seeing her husband's weak smile. "See you soon."

"Just don't have too much fun while you're out there." He told her, and she took a deep breath, waving before she left. "And be careful, night in Sacury sucks."

"Oh trust me, I know." She muttered as she stepped through.

Her bare foot touched grass, and found herself on Ridgeland High School property, the high school of Sacury, and where the Exit dumped everyone out. She looked South, the direction of the orphanage, and began her journey. "Don't worry, Aqua." She whispered, her feet hitting the sidewalk, looking up at the dark, starry sky. "Lucille can't hurt us anymore. Nothing else is gonna happen to us… I promise."

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