Chapter 8 - The Race

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"I can't believe she has the nerve to confront us about Aqua like that!" Queen Melody shrieked, waving the water around her ferociously, knocking over some random objects in the process. "How dare she, how dare she come into contact with her like that!"

"Yes, we get that was uncalled for, but please calm down." The King soothed, swimming closer but keeping his distance.

"No, no, you do not tell me to calm down!" She shrieked back, thrusting herself from the castle walls and to the surface. He followed behind her skeptically, finding her looking out onto Earth's beach, which was barely in sight. "She's out there… somewhere."

"Yes, and if Lucille found her that easily, so can we." He reasoned, leaning in closer and slowing down his voice.

Her head snapped in his direction. "Damn straight." She growled, pushing past him and soaring to the top of the water, reaching the surface. He followed quickly behind, finding her staring out to the barely-visible shore. "She's over there."

"Yes she is." He agreed with her, but she didn't hear him. She was already thinking of something else. "What are you doing?"

"I can't take it anymore, Triton." She whimpered as she swam back down, and by the time he reached her, she was talking to another guard. "We're getting Nicole. She's going to help us whether she wants to or not."

"Yes your Highness." He replied, automatically, floating a little straighter and taller. "What would you like me to do?"

"Round up others and wait for me to get back." She ordered, and he nodded fast and repeatedly. "I'll be back."

"Wait, I'm coming too." The King jumped in, feeling left out of the conversation. "Round up everybody and make sure no one gets in while we're gone."

"Yes your Highness." He replied again. The word was already spreading and guards already started to show up slowly, making a smile mold to the Queen's face. She began to swim towards the Entrance to Tanyela, and the King struggled to keep up with him.

"You better hope Nicole isn't ticked at us anymore." The King stated, making the Queen stop short, and for a couple seconds.

"Nicole's going to help us whether she wants us to or not." The Queen growled, whipping around. "And the damn faeries don't need to get involved in it."

"Okay dear, whatever you say." He muttered as he swam with her, opening the Entrance.

"We're coming back with Nicole, and then with Aqua." The Queen stated, reaching and only placing her arm though, making sure it didn't close. "We're bringing the Princess home."

And with that, they swam through, unaware of the sea witch that was hiding behind some rocks and corral about fifteen feet away. She peered over to see they weren't there, and then swung her head around, eyes locking on the Earth Water Exit.

"Not if I get to her first." She laughed as she headed towards the Entrance to Earth, and all human life. And the race for the Princess has officially begun.


I was so excited for later I lost all thought of anything else school-related. I was a Sophomore, so actually getting into a college at this age would be impressive, and it could give the orphanage a good reputation… I think. And what if the college didn’t care about academics? That would be even better.

“Hey, wait up!” I heard Danny’s voice as he skidded and stopped next to me as I was heading to Chemistry. “You didn’t wait for me.”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t know if you were going to stay behind and talk with Tristan.” I replied, but I was too focused on other things to talk to him right now. "You know, you guys did really well to, even if Julie did mess up."

"Yeah, she totally made us skip a part." Danny admitted, but continued with the other subject. "So you are coming to musical rehearsal after school?"

"Of course! And so is the college lady; she says she wants to see me so we can talk afterwards." I explained, feeling another rush of pride.

"That's… great, Lily." Danny smiled weakly, but I heard the pain in his voice.

"Why are you upset?" I asked, tilting my head slightly. "This is great!"

"For you." He added quickly, ducking his head so he couldn't see my eyes. "But what's gonna happen to the rest of us?"

"Danny…" I started, lifting his hand, holding it between mine. "You're going to leave the orphanage in a few months and you're going to live freely! You'll have the best life after this."

"But I'm a Senior who doesn't have a job or going to college. My life is set up to fail." He stated angrily, jerking his hand away and clenching them into fists. "I'm… the failure."

"No you're not." I laughed, taking it as a joke, even though it wasn't. "Who in their life can say that you were in a college musical when you were still in high school? By the end of it, they're going to be begging you to attend there."

He scoffed at the comment, avoiding my eyes for a moment. "They're not going to want me, you're crazy."

"Oh please!" I laughed, slinging an arm over his shoulder. "You are my husband, after all."

"That's only for Theatre!" He replied, shoving my arm off of him. "Mrs. Smith always has us paired up, it's not my fault."

"Oh really?" I teased, sharing a look of amusement with him, but he shook his head.

"Really. Now I've got to get to Government, I'll see you later." He told me, ending the conversation because he didn't want to continue it.

"Later. See you at rehearsal!" I called as I saw him turn and run up the stairs. He was a very good, actor, he was going to be fine… right? I didn't see what the big deal was for him.

I just hoped today is going to go as well as I planned it to.


“Look, I’m just saying I don’t know if you should make a decision right away.” Danny told me as we were sitting against a metropolitan bus seat. “I mean, there are other colleges and you might like another one a lot better.”

“No other college is going to want me, now can you please do rehearsal right? I’m scared you’re going to blow it for me.” I admitted, sinking into my seat and keeping my gaze on my hands.

He sighed, placing a hand over mine, intertwining one in them. “No, I’m not going to blow it for you, but…” He started, rubbing his thumb over my hand. “Just be careful, alright? Don’t do anything stupid to get kicked out.”

“Now, why would I do that?” I teased, bumping his shoulder lightly, but kept my hand where it was. “A husband always keeps his wife in check.”

“Oh my God, for the last time, we’re not married.” He stated, but once I started laughing, he did to. “What part of the Theatre life do you not understand?”

“Well, my husband loves to joke around with inside jokes from the past, and I think that this is a perfect one.” I smirked back as the bus came to a halt, launching me onto his lap. His reaction was delayed slightly until I was already on him, but he just laughed even more, not bothering to help me.

“Well, you like your new spot?” He asked, and I groaned as he helped me sit up, and the bus started rolling again. “Look, college is just so different from the way we’ve lived. I don’t want to see you getting hurt or anything like that.”

“What part of "I’m fine" don’t you get?” I asked, getting up once the bus stopped again, and it was our stop. “Just chill, okay?”

He stopped, seeming reluctant of everything. “Okay.” He finally answered, and we headed inside the auditorium together. Now, we were at Fullerton.

This rehearsal better go as planned, or I’m going to be very, very ticked.

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