Chapter 5 - Morning before Theatre

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I stood outside Danny's room with Molly, waiting for him before the bus came. He always took longer than us, which was weird… guys weren't supposed to take more time than girls… but I didn't blame him, we were performing a theatre scene today in class. He was probably last-minute preparing, but we didn't need it. We had it down, but we also had musical rehearsal after school. Yes, we were both in a musical outside of school, one we had to audition for at a local college. I actually didn't make it, but one of the girls who made it couldn't come because of a family thing, which is understandable. The whole process was dramatic just because there was a crazy person trying to shoot people in the auditorium, but when it comes to Theatre, the show must go on.

The real shocking part was that Danny made it. He wasn't much of a singer, just because he never heard his own voice, but he wasn't horrible either. But between the both of us, I was the one who wanted to do it all. I thought my singing was decent, but not the best in my class, but I thought acting was superior over all. But staying after school was the worst, especially with getting a ride there, but sometimes we got to take the bus, although usually we had to walk… and that takes a while, which means our director is not happy when we're late to a rehearsal.

"Would you just hurry up already?"I whined, pounding on the door.

"I'm coming, hold on!" Danny called back, and I groaned as I leaned up against the wall again.

"How come you always take so much longer then me?" I asked, and jumped back once I felt the door pounding from the other side.

"Well, maybe I'm trying to make myself look perfect because we have Theatre today. You don't care what you look like; you don't care how other people see you."

"Um, yeah." I snapped, twisting my hand even though he couldn't see it. "I kinda do care, thank ya very much."

"You've never done anything to prove it." He countered, and my jaw dropped at his comment.

"If you keep taking forever, we're gonna miss the bus!" I stated, and he jerked the door open, his hair a mess as he slung his backpack over his shoulder.

"Fine, let's go." He muttered in defeat, and I smirked as we made our way downstairs. "Do you think Ms. Smith is gonna make us perform our scene today?"

"Um, duh." I stated, and he shrugged. "We always get through scenes, though."

"Yeah, I just think I'm gonna mess up." He admitted, and I slapped the back of his head lightly.

"You're not gonna mess up, you haven't before." I smiled as he opened the front door for me, and we headed towards the bus. "You wouldn't have been casted as Jack if you were."

"Yeah, but that's the musical." He countered, and I shook my head at his reasoning. "Into the Woods is much easier then scene work."

"Don't tell Ms. Smith that." I laughed as we climbed aboard the bus and waited for the other students to show up. How we weren't last was amazing to me. "She's going to make you work harder then college itself."

"Oh my God, that would kill me." He whined, leaning his head back against the seat. "I'm not even one of the leads, I don't have to do all that crap."

"It's Into the Woods, everyone's a lead because there's only like a dozen and a half people." I corrected, and he glared at me. "And you are a lead because you're one of the four people that doesn't end up dead."

"Shut up, we perform in two weeks." He breathed, rubbing his eyes with his fists. "And with all the Theatre and performance pressure, it's causing me to lose sleep."

"Oh, that's bull and we both know that." I stated, punching his arm lightly. "Pressure never gets to you, and I've heard by the people around your room that you snore loud."

"You've been told wrong!" He snapped defensively, but his huge eyes let me know he was lying. "Trust me, I don't snore, I'd wake myself up."

"Bull." I stated as the last students arrived, and the bus driver started the bus, and we began rolling to school. "I still don't want to perform in Theatre though…"

"And you're saying I'm not prepared." He scoffed, and I glared at him slowly, narrowing my eyes.

"I'm prepared, I just can't believe she's making us do a scene. We're in the musical, she shouldn't make us do this, right?" I asked, trying to be reasonable. I know we were in the Children's Theatre class, but since we were up late working on musical, she shouldn't make us go the extra mile to memorize more lines, blocking, methods, etcetera.

"Yeah, but I don't think Rapunzel's in today's rehearsal." He told me, and I thought about it. I was Rapunzel in the musical, and if you don't know what Into the Woods is, it's a musical about all the fairytale characters getting together and forming a story, intertwining into others and causing weird things to happen. Most of the people end up dead, Rapunzel included. I've actually never played somebody who gets killed off before, but I found it fun because she goes mentally insane and gets stepped on by the giant from Jack and the Beanstalk. The musical is actually very interesting, and I've seen it multiple times in past Theatre classes, but still happy to be in it. What can I say, I'm a Fine Arts kid.

"I thought today was an all-cast rehearsal." I countered, and he shrugged. Like he ever paid attention to the schedule anyway.

"I don't know, I thought the living people had the rehearsal." He told me, and I shrugged with him.

"I guess we'll find out, then." I stated as the bus stopped, and we were at a standstill for a good two minutes. "What's taking so long?"

"A crash, what else?" He muttered, and I sighed, slumping down in my chair. There seemed to be a lot of crashes now, and we kept being late to school, and Ms. Smith was not happy with it. We both had her first period on an A-day, and that was today. We have until next Friday to rehearse, because next Friday is opening night. We practiced a little bit in Theatre, but we were more focused on the class instead of the extracurricular stuff. But we couldn't focus on it if we couldn't get through the stupid traffic because of the stupid crash.

"I really hate Mondays." I whimpered, leaning my head up against the window.

"Join the club." He replied, and I locked my gaze on the ocean that was next to the street we were driving on. I wish I was out there instead of trapped on a stupid school bus in traffic like this. I wanted to be swimming out there right now and feel the water on my skin. I wanted to talk to the fish and live among them. And I didn't mean like Ariel from Disney, or Into the Woods for that matter, but why couldn't the fairytales I know and love be real? Why couldn't I be part of that world?

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