Chapter 34 - A Death and Opening Night

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6 days later

The King arrived back in Antastica Friday morning because he continued his search in northern waters, but eventually made the two-day trip home. Everyone was overjoyed that he made it back home, but also confused, because they haven't seen the Queen since she left with him.

"Okay, we're going to lay off for a while, I gotta go find the Queen." He told his search guards as he approached the castle guards. "Do you know where the Queen is?" He asked one of them.

"Um… no, your Highness." He answered, and the King's head shot up, his emotion transitioning from calm to fearful. "We haven't seen her since you left with her."

"But that's impossible! She went back six days ago!" He exclaimed, swimming past him, forcing the doors open. "Melody!" He called, searching the rooms, asking the guards, but she was nowhere, and nobody knew where she was. He ran his hands through his air, doing another sweep and then summoned all the guards on an emergency notice. "The Queen is gone, find her!"

They all scattered, the warnings we sent out, and the spastic search for the missing Queen began. The King stood up on the castle balcony, looking over his land, his world. But the world that mattered most to him kept disappearing right under him.

"Well, it's been good now, don't you agree?" He heard the voice, and right in the dead center of the area in front of the castle, he saw Lucille. "I mean, everything for me has gone according to plan."

"Lucille!" He screamed, soaring over the balcony and down to the ground, two feet from her. "I have searched long and far for you."

"And yet, you were looking in the wrong place." She smirked, and his hands latched around her neck, choking the breath out of her.

"Give me one good reason why I can't kill you right now." He muttered lowly, and her hands reached for his, prying at them.

"I know what happened to your wife." She choked out, and his eyes softened, loosening his grip, and finally letting her go. She breathed in heavy, swimming back a couple feet, coughing and holding her neck. "Jeez, that's a grip."

"Where's Melody? What did you do to her!?" He boomed, and the guards finally came, making a big circle around where they floated.

"Do you want the shortened version or the long version?" She smirked, making a joke out of it.

"Where's my wife!?" He screamed, lightning coming to his hands, and she held her hands out in a gesture to surrender.

"Okay, okay! Shortened version." She said, and when the sparks went out, she continued. "Well, let's just say she made a good meal to the sharks."

The King froze as the guards all held out their swords, but he did nothing. "What did you do to her!?" He pleaded, and his eyes sparkled from the tears that would be flowing. "Is she…"

"Dead?" She finished for him, and everyone took a couple steps closer. "Yes."

There were gasps around the guards, but the King was not impressed. "Prove it."

"Okay." She replied as she tossed and object through the water fast, and the King caught it. He opened his palm, seeing the half-shell that his wife wore every day, and it was in his hand instead of on her neck. "Is that enough proof for ya?"

He covered his mouth with one hand, and ran his thumb over the rigged surface. "No…" He trailed, flipping it over multiple times, shaking his head rapidly. "No, no, no!" 

"Well, I'd give you her body, but-"

"What did you do to her!?" He screamed, and every guard in Antastica was around the area, surrounding her with their swords and shields. "Did you murder my wife!?"

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