Chapter 3 - Friends and Believing

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I entered her room, and she was reading a book. I waved, shutting the door and sat down on her bed. She smiled and closed the book, sitting up and placing the book on her night stand.

How'd it go? She signed, opening her closed hands to sign, expressing the questioning face.

Fine, I think. I replied, tapping my chest with my thumb a couple times. The lady was kinda crazy, though.

Ha, I bet. She laughed, signing lazily because she was laughing. Do you think you got in?

Actually, she didn't tell me what college she was from. I replied, feeling confused. I saw the confusion on her face as she shook her head.

Okay, that is weird. She stated, and I agreed with her, moving my closed hand forwards and back. But I didn't really care who she was, I just cared if I got into a college.

We waited for Danny to come in, and we continued with a conversation that neither of us would remember later. He was taking his sweet time, and I asked Molly whether to ditch him and go swimming, but she argued against it. It was getting kinda late anyways, getting close to dinner. The one time of the day where I'm actually with all the other orphans in this building. But the high-schoolers were at the North side, and the younger kids had to fend for themselves on the South side, with middle-schoolers somewhere in the East, and infants and toddlers in the West. I've traveled from all side of the building, made a full circle around, and I was so close to getting out of here.

Danny finally entered, and he looked so ticked. His face was shooting glares everywhere, his fists were clenched, and he was muttering something under his breath, too soft for me to hear him. Molly and I made the same face as he dropped down lazily in the chair across from us.

"It went that bad, huh?" I asked, and he shut his eyes, clenched his teeth and nodded.

"The stupid lady was yelling at me because she said my GPA could be higher." He growled, clenching the armrests. "It's a three point three! It's not bad, right?"

"No, not horrible." I stated, and I signed everything to Molly, who also agreed. She frowned too, and the negative feeling was spreading around us all. "Well, at least your lady wasn't physco."

"I bet she was physco up to an extent." He growled, and I shot him a glare to calm him down.

"No, mine was just…" I stopped, pausing to search for the right word for what she was. "A little off."

"So was mine!" He whined, and I sighed as the intercom beeped a couple times, and the dinner bell rang. I signed to Molly that it was dinner and she nodded, and we all stood up and made our way to where all the meals were served.

The dining hall was, as usual, very crowded. We all took our seats on the hard, wooden chairs on the end of the table and waited for the chefs to bring out the food, and continued our conversation, trying to be loud over all the other teenagers.

"I'm really hoping to get into a college, though." I told them, and Danny sighed, reaching out his hand, where I placed mine in his.

"I think we all do." He told me, and I shrugged, but agreed. I looked over at Molly, who had the same questioning look. I took my hand away from Danny and signed everything again.

"Actually, I think we all want someone from Gallaudet to finally show up." I corrected, and Molly smiled, bobbing her hand up and down repeatedly. It would suck because Gallaudet was all the way in Washington D.C., and I wanted to go to college with her, but I didn't know Sign Language enough to go there with her. We were probably never going to see each other ever again after we both leave here…

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