Chapter 9 - Aqua

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“Alright, places, places! We’re going to start from "Your Fault" and to the end.” Ms. Davis, the director called to the auditorium as we were walking in. The other actors saw us, and then Ms. Davis as we passed through the soft, red chairs to get to the stage that was fairytaled out. “Ah, Danny and Lily! I was wondering when you two would show up.”

“We’re here, there’s something called school that we have to go through in the week.” Danny answered, hopping on the stage and standing up, chatting with the other actors.

“Oh, and Lily, just wait with the other dead actors, we’ll go back to the Rapunzel part later.” She told me and I nodded, going backstage where the others were. I watched the characters who were alive go to their places on stage, and as The Baker said his first line, the music started, queuing the song "Your Fault" to play.

As I watched the scene, I also saw the college lady in the audience, looking the same as I saw her the last time. If only the Rapunzel scene was playing now, I could show her what I could do. But it’s okay, because we’re going back to it later, but it would still take a while to do a run-through like that…

Eventually more people ended up dying, as well as the antagonist, who was the Giant’s wife, who was basically the one killing everybody. I let out a long, exasperated sigh as all the actors were called to the stage.

“We have a special guest her with us, Ms. Jones from a nearby college is here with us today to analyze Lily to see if she has what it takes to be in their school.” As soon as her sentence was finished, everybody clapped. “So please, let’s get through a run-through and impress her for Lily. There’s a lot on the line.”

“Yeah, no kidding.” I muttered as we all headed to our opening places, but I wasn’t in the first scene either, so it didn’t matter.

I watched the songs and waited for my part to come, which was tedious as I was twiddling my thumbs backstage. The wig was itchy and the climb to the tower was high and tiring, so I hid by it as it was dragged out onto the stage. I climbed up as I heard the actor who played the witch's voice start my queue line, so I started singing the "ahs" and the "ohs" and everything else Rapunzel had. It wasn't long before the tower was done and Act One had been complete.

But that was all we could do because of time.

"Alright actors, meet back here tomorrow at the exact same time! We'll run Act Two!" Ms. Davis called as all the actors were grabbing their things and heading out to the cars. I found Danny after most of the actors had left.

"Come on, let's go back to the orphanage." Danny yawned as we started to head towards the door, but Ms. Jones stepped out in front of us.

"That was a very good performance, Lily. I'm extremely impressed." She beamed, making me blush. "Would it be alright if we talked somewhere in private?"

"Oh, I'm sorry Ms. Jones." Danny replied, cutting in. "We really gotta head back or the orphanage is going to have our asses."

"It won't take that long, and I'll bring her back once we're finished." She replied back, eyeing me. "It's just times and graduation plans and things like that."

"Then come back with us. I'm not leaving her alone." He stated, wrapping his fingers around my wrist.

"Oh, that won't be necessary." She replied with a laugh, making everything sound ridiculous. "She's going to return home right where she belongs."

"It’s okay, Danny." I whispered, leaning over to his ear. "I'll come back before lock-in."

He stayed silent for a minute, but sighed, letting go of my wrist reluctantly. "Be careful." He whispered back, slowly leaving us to our conversation, but turned back again. I flicked my hands at him, signaling him to go, and we were finally alone.

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