Chapter 21 - So Close

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The interior was grand, and I mean grand. This had to be a rich King, or he robbed it from somewhere else, maybe my sister's home when he killed her… even the thought of being with a cold-blood murdered wanted to make me cry. Cry for the sister I never knew. Cry for the people who were killed by him. Cry for all the people whose lives he ruined.

I was the ignored mermaid with a dagger in my jacket pocket with King Aaron's name and his uncle's blood all over it. Things were about to get interesting.

"Um, who are you?" I heard a voice from up high. I jerked my head up and saw a young guy, a Prince probably. "And how did you get in here?"

"The side entrance." I answered, and he flew over the railings and landed softly on the bottom floor. "I'm looking for somebody."

"Aren't we all these days?" He replied, walking over to the window on the far side. "I'm waiting for my wife to get back from Earth and I haven't seen her in a while…" He trailed off, looking back at me. "You don't look like you're from around here… who are you?"

"My name is… Lily." I replied, feeling content to use my Earth name, my human one. "I'm looking for someone named King Aaron."

The guy laughed, making me confused. "That's me." He replied, and my eyes grew wide. My target. I finally found him.

"But you don't look like a King…" I muttered, seeing his young features with the wild, dark-brown hair and sky-blue eyes, which was weird because everything seemed to be that shade around here… but his wings really threw me off. They were a forest green with wavy lines running through them in all directions. I haven't seen any type of wing like it before, besides that other guy… Cylak.

"I know, I married young." He smirked, and I crossed my arms, but was really reaching for the dagger. Once he got close… I'd strike. "But please, embrace me on your knowledge." He smiled, taking a step closer. "Where are you from?"

"A world away from here." I stated, and I felt the ground shake slightly. "I can sure as hell guarantee I'm not a faerie."

"Are you human!?" He shot at me, hearing the rumble of the ground under me. "Because I have dealt with no-good, lying, cheating humans like-"

"I'm not human!" I snapped at him, fling my arms out dramatically. "Why is everyone thinking that I'm human!? Is it because I don't have wings? Is it because I can't have my tail in this world? Huh? What's the freaking problem!?" I screamed at him, but he just stood there, eyeing me, but not in the stalker way that Cylak did. He simply looked at me in either amusement or shock or concern. Who knows. All I know is that he's soon to take his last breath.

"You're a mermaid." He stated, nodding his head in realization. "Wait, why are you here? Mermaids never visit."

"Well, we all have our reasons." I whispered, approaching him, standing literally two inches from his face and with my arms crossed, hand around the handle. This was it. This was what I've been trying to do for the past few hours. But it was going to be the greatest moment of my life.

That was until I heard the doors bang against the walls, and we both snapped out heads in that direction, seeing a guard from the other castle slamming the doors open, freaking out and pointing at me. "King Aaron! She's here to kill you!"

We both snapped our heads back at each other, and I drew the dagger quickly, came down on him like a cobra striking. I screamed loudly, like my attacking call, but suddenly I was up in the air, launched back by a wall of dirt, soil, plants, whatever it was that came through the floor. I smacked against the wall flat, and fell to the floor, crumpling over with the dagger in my hand. As I breathed in choppy breaths, I saw his hands were a green color and more nature barriers started appearing.

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