Chapter 4 - Another Sister

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"What the hell do you mean!? I have another sister!?" Nicole shrieked while her parents tried to calm her down. "Why the hell would you hide that from me? And Ocea! Ocea will never meet her!" She cried, her eyes becoming brighter from invisible tears.

"I know, we were horrible, but we had to keep it a secret!" The Queen whimpered, putting a soothing hand on her shoulder. "We were keeping you safe!"

"What about Lucille, huh?" She snapped back, backing away from them. "We should get Aaron to help. If anyone can, he can!"

"No!" The royals hissed in unison.

"He's a faerie, he can't help us, and I don't care if he's your husband or not." The King growled, feeling the mutual hate that he and his son-in-law had for each other. "But nobody can know, not to chance Lucille finding out."

"But why do you need me then!?" She choked out, eyeing both of her parents intensely.

"You have Magic, and you're one of the few I didn't extract it from." The King stated simply. "You can help Aqua come back to the kingdom where she belongs!"

"I can't believe you're asking me to help you find the daughter that you two abandoned after Lucille turned her human! And you think I can turn her back? I don't have Black Magic! That was wiped out before I was even born!" She swam around them spastically, and her parent's efforts to calm her down were failing miserably. "You're asking me to find the sister I didn't even know about until two minutes ago! Do you know how hard that's gonna be!?"

"You don't need Black Magic!" The King fumed, shutting her up. "And there's only a few mermaids on Earth, and even fewer have Magic. Actually, only Aqua probably has Magic. She's not gonna be that hard to track!"

"Do you know how hard it is to track someone you've never met, or felt their Magic presence? And have you even seen her after you two left her on the Sacury shore?" Nicole shot at them, making them completely silent. "How long did you even have her before you abandoned her like you did?"

"Four hours." The King stated, stopping her spastic swim. "We knew her for four hours before Lucille ruined our lives."

"And what about Lucille? How do you know she already doesn't have her?" Nicole kept shooting questions that they couldn't answer, causing the annoyance level to rise. "Hell, she could be dead just like Ocea!"

"Shut up!" The King cried, flipping his tail behind him with all his might, ramming her right into the wall of the pool. She was backed up into the wall, trapped between his hands. "She's not dead! She can't be!"

"Triton, stop!" The Queen cried, wrapping her small arms around his muscular arm, but he shoved her back.

"Dad!" She whined, and everything started moving. The walls and ground started shifting, knocking them apart as Nicole went soaring to the top. The royals followed her as she climbed out of the water, her tail turned back into legs, and was wrapped in Aaron's arms.

"Thanks." She whispered, and Aaron nodded, keeping her behind him.

"Don't come near my wife like that." King Aaron growled, shooting a glare at King Triton. "Unlike you, I have useful Magic."

"I don't need Magic to prove I'm a rightful King." He shot back and Nicole stepped in again. "You needed the other Queen and your pathetic sister to make you King."

"Hey!" Aaron snapped, approaching him, getting right up in his face. "Don't talk about my sister like that." He growled, and the ground began to shake.

"Okay no, just stop. Both of you." Nicole silenced them, fed up with her husband and father. She turned toward her parents again. "I don't know what I'm going to do, okay? I need to think about it."

"But by then, it will already be too late!" King Triton snapped, avoiding Aaron's cold glare.

"Shut it." Nicole ordered, and even Aaron took a step back because of her ticked-off mood. "You both have ruined my life so far, and now I have to find my sister that apparently everyone but me knew about." She growled, controlling her anger.

"We really are sorry, but you know why we did." Queen Melody stated in a soothing voice.

"I don't care! It was still wrong and hurtful and you never should've done it!" She shrieked, but she couldn't hurt anyone with Mermaid Magic; the only thing you could do was talk to fish and turn legs into tails and vice versa. "If I had a good Magic, I'd beat the crap outta you both right now."

"Allow me." Aaron volunteered, stepping towards her.

"Let's see how far that gets ya." Triton growled, and both Kings wanted to kill each other.

"Just go back to Antastica and let me think about it!" Nicole shrieked, pointing down at the water where the Antastica Entrance was. "Or find Aqua yourself."

"But we need you to morph her back!" Melody countered, and Nicole screamed at her.

"I don't care!" She whimpered, climbing on the winged horse. "I don't… care…"

"Nicole-" Triton started, but was cut off.

"Goodbye Mom and Dad. Hope you find your daughter." She stated, and the horse took off, starting to fly away from them.

"Wait, Nicole!" Aaron called, flying after her.

"Nicole!" The royals shouted to their daughter, who ignored their shouts and watched as she flew away and out of her sight.

"Hey, are you okay?" Aaron asked as soon as he caught up with her.

"No, how do you think I feel?" She sobbed, and Aaron shook his head.

"I know, parents are stupid. I have personal experience myself with the whole sister thing…" He stated, and she laughed lightly. Aaron had found two long-lost sisters over the years, ones that were irreplaceable and was either married to a peasant faerie living in the central part of Tanyela, or was in Wolnia, the land of wolves, married to the prince there and ruling the kingdom there. "But it's really not as bad as you think it is."

"How was it, then?" Nicole asked, and he paused to think of an answer.

"Well, finding out, I freaked out like you did." He laughed, recalling the couple memories he had. "But trust me; it's worth it."

"I should help them, shouldn't I?" She sighed, looking back at the Entrance.

"Hey, I'm not saying you have to." Aaron shrugged. "You're my wife, I can't tell you what to do."

"Damn right you can't." She smiled as they found their way back to Riveredge Castle, where they lived in Tanyela. Aaron helped her off the horse and carried her in his arms as the slowpoke guards finally caught up. Aaron kissed her head lightly as they made their way inside the magnificent structure.

"Do you think you're gonna help them?" Aaron asked, and she shrugged.

"I don't know." She replied honestly. "But she's my sister. And I wonder what she's like…"

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