Chapter 32 - Fed Up

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Rehearsal ended after a while and we were all free to go home. We got in a full run-through, and we even practiced every character's death a few times, assuming they did die. Mine was spastic and screaming as I ran offstage, and even if it was a death, it was funny.

"Okay guys, great rehearsal, but remember we perform for real in six days!" Ms. Davis exclaimed as we all ran backstage and changed out of our costumes, heading back into the auditorium as I waited for Danny and Dillon. Dillon smiled as he approached me, golf-clapping at me.

"Very good, drama Queen. I can tell you belong in Theatre." He smirked, and I gave him an overdramatic bow.

"Damn straight I belong in Theatre." I stated, sticking my tongue out at him as I turned to wave to the other actors, who were engaged in their own conversations. "What's taking Danny so long?"

"I don't know, maybe because he's one of the very few people who live?" He questioned, but I shook my head.

"No, his costume is pretty simple, it shouldn't take that long." I countered as he took out his phone, and I leaned my head over his shoulder and watched it turn on, and saw a missed call from “Mom”. "Hey, I didn't know you had a mother."

"No shit." He stated as he slammed it back in his pocket. "Well, it's on low battery, so I'll wait until it's charged."

"Not even a quick “hey, I'm alright” phone call?" I asked, tsking at him, waving my index finger side to side. "What kind of son are you?"

"The one who doesn't waste his phone battery on crap like that." He stated, looking over my shoulder. I turned around too, seeing Danny making his way across the stage and hoping onto the floor. "Oh look, there he is, we can leave now."

"About time you showed up." I stated as he approached us. "Come on, I'm tired. Let's go back."

"You took the words right out of my mouth." He breathed as he slung an arm over my shoulder, but I didn't bother shaking it off, not even when Dillon was glaring at him. "Should we take the bus or walk?"

"Is the bus still running?" I asked, shuddering when I pictured the walk home. "Because I'm tired and really don't want to walk."

"Yeah, let's wait at the cold bus stop and wait for it to show up." Dillon said sarcastically, but I rolled my eyes as I shoved the auditorium doors open, letting the cold air hit my face.

"I don't care, I'm tired and not walking." I whined as I walked to the bus stop and sat down on the cold, metal bench. "If you want to walk home, fine, but I won't."

They both sighed and sat down on either side of me, and I smirked at their decision. They were both stuck with me, whether they liked it or not. “You seem to find new ways to torture us.” Danny stated, wrapping an arm around my shoulder.

“Oh, I try.” I smirked as Dillon shoved his arm off of me, and they were flicking each other over my shoulder until the bus came. I shoved them both aside and stepped on, and they were pestering each other… the whole freaking way back.

“Dillon, stop it!” Danny whined as they practically fell off the bus, and once I was off, it zoomed away, sick of us. Dillon was poking him in the arm randomly, and wouldn’t stop no matter what he did.

“What the hell is your problem, Danny?” Dillon laughed, and Danny took off at a run, and if I didn’t know better… they looked like best friends. And it sucked that they weren’t.

“Okay, if you two want to have a little play date, I’m just gonna head up to my room.” I told them as I jerked open the door, letting them fight on their own. I waved weakly to the people at the desk and trudged up the stairs, looking out the window facing the front, seeing them on the ground, rolling around, and I thought they were also smiling. “Well, I’ll be damned…” I smiled as I went to my room, and somehow, found my bed comfortable and could easily drift away…

Until I heard the screaming.


“Okay, she’s gone.” Danny said as Dillon jerked away from him, smoothing out his shirt. “That was literally the worst twenty minutes of my life.”

“Tell me about it.” Dillon breathed, slinging his arms behind his head. “Okay, you ready for this?”

“Yeah.” Danny stated, rolling up his shirt sleeves. “Let’s go, right now.”

“Oh, you really want to fight for her?” Dillon asked, throwing his fists out to the side. “Cause I can fight for her.”

“Well, I guess we’re just going to have to do that. May the best man win.” He growled, throwing the first punch, but Dillon countered, swiping at the knee, making Danny collapse. He flipped up, leaving flat hands in a karate stance, and they walked in circles around each other, waiting for the next move.

Dillon struck next, aiming for the head, but it hit the neck, sending Danny down again, grabbing his neck. Danny swiped his legs under his feet, tripping him and sending him to the ground, falling hard on the concrete. Danny stood up next, grabbing him by the collar and shaking him like a salt shaker, and threw him on the ground. Dillon laid there for a second, wiping the blood from his lips as he jump-kicked Danny in the face, making him stumble backwards as he stood up spastically, and they were back where they started.

“You not gonna back down?” Danny muttered, finding his balance and placing his hands on his knees.

“I told you; I’m going to fight for her.” Dillon stated as he threw another punch, now sending Danny to the ground. “And I mean fight.”

“I hate you.” Danny growled, his eyes glaring lowly at him. “I have every single part of you.”

“Well good, the feelings are mutual.” Dillon smirked, kicking him in the side, making him scream. “So I suggest you drop out of the picture before something bad happens to you.”

“Oh really?” Danny snapped, jerking his head completely up at him, staring into his sea-colored eyes. “Or else what?”

"Or else Aqua and I are going to perform a little magic trick and disappear." Dillon shot back, and Danny's eyes grew wide. "But that's going to happen anyway."

"No!" Danny screamed, throwing him off of him and running to the door, but Dillon dragged him back, pulling and yanking him back where he started.

"Watch me." Dillon said lowly, starting to approach him slowly as they both heard the door jerk open. They snapped their heads in that direction, seeing Ms. Peterson at the door.

"Both of you get inside this instant!" She shrieked, pointing inside. Danny and Dillon both glared at each other before slinking inside quickly with their heads down. Ms. Peterson gave them a death stare before slamming the door hard.

"Stand there." She ordered them, and they both stood in the center of the room with their bloody faces and knuckles. "What makes you think it's okay to get in the fight at midnight?"

"You know, that's not really any of your concern, Ms. Peterson." Danny stated, jerking his head up and tilting it.

"You two look like bloody messes. What do you think Lily's going to say when she sees you two?" She shot at them, and they lowered their heads shamefully.

"Well, she's not going to see us." Dillon stated, kicking the ground awkwardly.

"That's what you think." She muttered, and both their heads shot up, seeing her arm pointing straight between them. They both slowly turned to face the stairs, seeing Lily in her pajamas, and tears prickling her eyes.

"Will you two ever stop?" She whimpered as she held her arm to her eyes and ran up the stairs.

"Lily!" "Aqua!" Danny and Dillon called simultaneously, each saying different names. They gave each other death glares and fought for the front as they ran up the stairs, trying to fix the mess they've created for themselves.

What would it take to get them to stop trying to kill each other?

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