Chapter 31 - The Phone Call

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I didn't see either one of them all afternoon. They were avoiding me, I could tell, but I was still confused on why. But I knew Dillon was still close by, because he could never leave me out of his sight. Even with my door closed and the only other person being Molly, he was still here somewhere. And even if they were both avoiding me, they couldn't ignore the fact that we had musical rehearsal later.

They were both acting weird. I signed to Molly, who was sitting with her legs crossed on the other side of the bed, eyeing my hands. I don't know what's going on.

Well, he did kiss you. Molly pointed out, her face scrunching up jealously. Oh, you lucky girl.

Molly! He's the big brother I never had. It just wasn't right. I signed back, meaning every word. I'm surprised any guy would like me like that.

You obviously haven't seen yourself that closely in the mirror. She stated, and my jaw dropped, but I turned towards the mirror, seeing nothing special about me.

I don't see anything. I signed as I turned back around.

Well then, that's your problem. She signed and glared as someone knocked on the door. I stood up and approached it, opening in slightly, seeing Danny.

"We have to go to musical rehearsal now." He told me, and I sighed as I turned back to Molly and signed to her the same. "And we're taking the city bus."

"Fine." I told him as I waved to Molly and shut the door behind me. Danny was the only one there, and there was no Dillon. I brushed past him and found Dillon at the bottom of the stairs, and neither said a word as we all exited, and headed towards the nearest bus stop. They stayed completely silent, glaring at each other and refraining from killing each other. "Can we please not be awkward about this? I'm trying to keep the friendship that we have." I told them both, but they turned away from me, avoiding my gaze and staying silent. "Would one of you just talk!?"

"What's there to talk about?" Danny asked, lifting his head slightly, but once his eyes saw mine, he dropped it again. "I'm pretty sure we learned your feelings this afternoon."

"It's not like I don't feel anything towards you." I assured him, uncrossing his arms so I could hug him. "It's just… I wasn't expecting-"

"That." Dillon cut in, looking like he was going to laugh. "You totally got rejected, dude."

"Dillon." I warned as Danny wrapped his arms around me, giving him the death glare.

"You have three seconds to shut up or I end you." Danny growled, jerking his fist up to punch him, but the bus came right after, stopping in front of us. I let go of Danny and got on the bus, sitting in the back and hoping they wouldn't follow. They both sat a row ahead of me, on opposite sides of the aisle as I curled up by the window, looking out at the ocean and wondered how I got myself into this.

When the bus stopped in front of Fullerton, I got off first, heading for the building and ignoring them when they called for me to wait. I pushed the doors open and saw everyone getting into their starting places, so I waved to Ms. Davis and ran up the ramp to the dressing rooms, finding my Rapunzel costume and changing into it. Danny came back too, finding his and doing the same.

"Six days." He told me as he checked himself out in the mirror. "Six more days until opening night, and then eight until it's all over."

"Yeah, it's hard to believe this is so close to being over." I stated, strapping the heavy wig to my head. "And then after it's all over, then what?"

"I don't know, I guess we just hang at the orphanage until we get out of here." He replied, letting out a long whistle. "Or we actually have to pay attention in school."

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