Chapter 38 - We Exist

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The last bow was the hardest. Standing up on stage, knowing it was the last time you ever would. Into the Woods was done. Our last performance was finished. I thought this day would never come. But then again, so did everyone else.

The curtain closed, and the only thing I heard was the cheers of everyone else and Ms. Davis' voice speaking into a microphone. "Thank you all for being here, we hope you enjoyed the show, and we hope to see you back for next year's musical!"

The audience was at an uproar, cheering uncontrollably. I guess I liked it that way because it showed they really liked it, but we were never going to perform this again. We would never sing the songs as a group. We would never joke over each other's deaths. This was it. It was done.

"Hey, you're okay." Danny assured me, wrapping his arms around me as I cried into his shoulder. "We can always meet up and sing for old time's sake."

"This is it, Danny." I stated as he helped me backstage with an arm around my waist. "This is it, we will never perform this again, and this is the last show I will ever be in."

"What are you talking about?" He asked, bringing me aside as the other actors shuffled past us. "Of course you will perform again. You're not going anywhere. We'll try out again in three months for the next musical."

"You will." I corrected, taking my hands away from his, looking away and pointing to myself. "I won't."

"Why wouldn't you?" He smiled, thinking it was a joke. "Come on, let's just get changed and not think of this right now."

"Okay…" I agreed as I followed him, and changed into my normal clothes, putting my costume on the rack, and my wig wrapped around it. I was no longer Rapunzel. "Goodbye costume I've grown very fondly to…" I told it as I headed away slowly, going to the auditorium, but most of the people were still there. Some were even still applauding. Some waved and told me they enjoyed the show as I found Nicole and Dillon, and he wrapped his arms around me, pressing a kiss to my lips gently.

"That's one way to die." He smirked. "Running off screaming as a giant's foot comes down on you."

"I know right." I smiled, waving to the actors and understudies as they were leaving. "But I'm really going to miss it."

"I know, but we've got other problems right now." Nicole stated as Danny came out, and Dillon let go of me. "Let's head back and work things through there."

We arrived back earlier than I expected, although tonight, the show started on time. My heart was racing, trying to escape from my chest because I had to tell Danny the truth. I had to tell him everything about me that I learned and the feelings that I have for Dillon. I know I just met him, but I couldn't help it; he was cute and sweet, even if he was a total jerk when I met him. I've never felt… this way… about another guy before.

"Everyone come into my room for a second." I ordered as they all piled in, and I went down the hall to wake up Molly, who was still awake. I brought her to where everyone else was and shut the door, seeing Danny sitting down on the bed, and Dillon and Nicole stayed standing.

"Can't it wait until morning? I'm tired." Danny whined, but I shook my head.

"No, I'm going to be gone in the morning." I stated, signing the same thing to Molly, and their eyes widened.

"What do you mean "gone"?" He asked, making quotation marks with his fingers. "Where are you going?"

Gone? Why? Molly signed back.

"Aqua, what are you doing?" Dillon shot at me through clenched teeth.

"They have the right to know." I sighed, turning back towards them. "Danny, there's something I have to tell you…" I started, and signed to Molly.

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