Chapter 32 "A Great Christmas to a Not So Great Christmas"

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Natsu POV

I buried my hands deeper into the pockets of my coat but it didn't help against the bitter cold wind. There was going to be a Christmas party at the hideout and everybody threatened me into coming. My original plan was to hang out with Lucy all day but they insisted that it would better if we were all together. When I heard Lucy was coming, I finally gave in.

I stepped into the abandoned building and immediately heard the noise coming from underground. I smiled and opened the latch, the noise got louder. I jumped down and walked into the room. The room was filled with smiles and laughter.

I looked around the room and there she was. Laughing along with her friends and some other members of the gang. Her eyes were lit up and her smile was bright. She looked over and we made eye contact. Her cheeks gained a red hue to them and she made her way over to me.

She was in a light pink sweater with some jeans. She swung her hips and held her head high. She stood in front of me and laughed.

"I think you're drooling."

I snapped out of my daze and wiped at my mouth. She laughed again then wrapped her arms around me. I squeezed her tight and smiled against her hair. She looked up at me and looked into my eyes.

"You're getting better. You're looking better." She whispered.

"Yeah, it's because of you." I said to her, leaning closer.

"Is that so?" She started closing her eyes.

"Yeah." I pressed my lips against hers softly. Her lips were soft but slightly cold from the weather outside.

She pulled back and leaned her head against my chest. "Merry Christmas."

I kissed the top of her head and smiled. "Merry Christmas."

"Attention everybody!!!!" Gray yelled from across the room. Lucy and I broke out of our moment and turned our attention to Gray.

"Merry Christmas everybody. We're going to start giving out presents so everybody make there way to the present table, grab the presents with your name on it, and make a circle in the middle of the room." Juvia said right beside Gray. Gray had his arm around her waist and she had a smile on her face. I saw Lucy smile at the sight.

"Let's go get our presents." I whispered to Lucy. She nodded and followed me to the table. After awhile, Lucy started to look confused.

"What's wrong?"

"I can't find your present to me."

"Oh, you'll get it later." I said with a sly smile on my face. She blushed and punched me in my shoulder. Ouch.

We took our present and joined the circle. I had the most presents because I was the leader but Gray almost had the same amount.

"I'll go first." Gray announced. He picked up his first present which was most likely from Juvia. He opened the envelope and the box and nearly fainted. He pulled Juvia into hug and planted kisses all over face. I gagged and he turned around to glare at me.

"Get on with it already. What did she get you?" I said impatiently. Lucy elbowed me and glared. I shrugged my shoulders and waited.

"Juvia got me a coupon for Sally Hooper's Skating Ring and a bucket of Neopolitan ice cream." Nearly everybody rolled their eyes. Only Gray would be excited for something like that. He continued to open his gifts. Lucy got him a necklace with a cross on it, Levy got him his own ice cream machine, and Erza got him an ice maker set.

"My turn." Juvia said. She opened her present which was in a parchment. She opened it and pulled out the papers. She gasped and her hand flew to mouth. "Its beautiful, Gray."

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