Chapter 26 "Coma"

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Lucy POV

So sleepy. So. Fucking. Sleepy. Trying to keep my eyes open while blood spilled out of my skin was a bitch. I heard Natsu burst through the hospital doors frantically asking for help. I was put onto a gurney, rushed down the hallway, and put into a room. The whole time someone was holding my hand. I'm confident it was Natsu. I don't think anyone else had his type of comforting warmth.

I closed my eyes while I was being treated. My head hurt so bad and I just wanted to sleep. But what I didn't know that it would be awhile before I would see the world and feel Natsu's warmth again.

Natsu POV

I nervously tapped my foot while the others gave me worried glances. Gray eventually came over and gave my shoulder a comforting squeeze. But that comfort only lasted a little while because the doctor came out with a sad smile on his face. The nervousness ate up my insides. Something was wrong.

He walked over to us and we stood up. Whatever he has to say, he better say it quickly before I make him.

"I'm guessing you are Lucy's friends?"

"Yeah, but I'm her boyfriend."

Gray gave me a blank look then kicked me in my leg. I gave his a 'What the fuck' look but he was already looking back at the doctor.

"Well, do you want the good or the bad news first?"

"The good." Levy blurted out.

"The good thing is that she's fine and stabilized."

"And the bad?"

He gave me an sympathetic smile and I felt sick to my stomache.

"We did everything we can but she's in comatose. We don't know how long she will take to get out of it. That's up to her right now."

"Can I see her?" I whispered.

He sighed and sent me one more sad smile before telling us to follow him. He opened the door of the room for us and we filed in. The beeping of the moniter in the room filled the silence. I walked over to her bedside and sat in the chair next to it. I stared at her pale face clean from the blood that was on there earlier. My eyes welled up with tears as I imagined her smiling face. Levy was already sobbing while she clung onto Erza. Juvia was crying as well but just silent tears. Gray pulled her into a hug and held her.

"No no no no no. Please don't leave me, Lucy. I'm so sorry. I'm sorry."

I stared at her expecting her to answer but after a few seconds I burst into more tears. I clung onto her hand and held it.

"Please Lucy. I need you." I cried.

I don't remember when I stopped crying or when I fell asleep or even when the others left the room. But I was woken by the sound of yelling outside the door. I sat up startled when the door was thrown open to the livid face of Jude (Lucy's father). He started over to me but then he saw Lucy lying on the bed. His face turned somber and caressed her face. Layla walked in next. She looked like she had been crying for awhile and she looked tired. My face probably matched hers.

Jude turned his gaze onto me and his face hardened. He stalked slowly toward me until our noses were almost touching.

"Tell me exactly what happened and don't even try to tell me the bullshit your friends tried telling me." His voice shook with suppressed anger.

I blew out a breath and told them everything they needed to know. Silence filled the room after I finished. It was sufforcating me. Suddenly, a punch was landed on the side of my face. I cupped my jaw in my hand and I looked at Jude.

"I actually thought that you were a nice young man and that you would keep my daughter out of harm's way and protect her but I was very very wrong."

"I was protecting her!!!"

"You call this protecting her?!" Jude said as he pointed to Lucy.

I shut my mouth and looked away. He turned away from me and told me one more thing before he left the room.

"When she wakes up, I don't want you to have anything to do with her. Are we clear?"

I nodded even though he wasn't looking at me. Layla was still in the room and there was silence again.

"I know you love her. She loves you, too. I bet you when she wakes up the first person she is going to ask for is you."

I kept quiet and she sniffled.

"I know you protected her to some degree even though she's this injured."

"I didn't protect her. I wasn't her hero. She was her own hero. She protected me and herself. I was a coward. I could have shot him and it would have been over with. She would have been safe."

"That wasn't cowardly behavior. You were willing to sacrifice everything for her. If you really did shoot him, it would have been a whole different situation. You would have been in jail while Lucy would have been waiting years for you to get out. She would have been suffering."

"I'm suffering. If we didn't meet at the park that night this would have never happened. She would have never got involved."

"Yeah, she wouldn't have got involved. But I don't think she would take back that night for anything. That night is special to her. That was the night she met someone she loves."

"This is her senior year. She shouldn't be in the hospital in comatose."

"She shouldn't. But that's just how things happened."

She left the room without another word. I looked over at Lucy and a few more tears escaped my eyes. I kissed her forehead and fell asleep again. I didn't notice how a tear escaped Lucy's eyes before I fell asleep.


This is a short chapter but I just wanted to get this out of the way. Hehe.

Don't hate me for doing this, okay? But I felt like being evil and I felt like putting Lucy in a coma.

God knows what Rouge did to Lucy in there which explains the bruised and why her head hurt.

But anyway....

Love you guys!!! <3

Lol thank you for voting and reading and commenting. Keep it up!!!!

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