Chapter 15 "Operation: Natsu Dragneel"

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Lucy POV

It's Thursday and I don't feel happy at all. Natsu has been distant but we talk...sometimes if hey and bye counts. It seems like he has been avoiding me but I don't know why. I should be going all investigator on him but I don't want to do that yet even though it's killing me. I'm just going to save that as my last resort. I'm sitting in English which is my favorite class but I'm wasn't paying attention. I let out a breathe of relief when I realized the bell rung and kids started to walk out the room. I picked up my bag and almost made it out the door but then Ms. Virgo called my name.

Damn you. I was so close to freedom.

I plastered a fake smile on my face and turned around.


"Lucy, are you okay? You seemed out of it today."

"Did I? I guess I was a little lost in my thoughts."

"Hm, well, I guess that's fine but I have been seeing differences in your behavior."

"In my behavior?" I was genuinely confused.

"Yes. I've been hearing that you have been skipping school and have been unusually late for class and school."


"So it's true."

"I can explain.."

"Okay. So, can explain your C in this class right now?"

She certainly didn't say what I thought she just said.

"Excuse me...?"

"I said, you have a C in my class as of right now."

"But I do great in your class. That's impossible!!!"

"I'm sorry, Lucy. I was surprised, too."

"Is there anything I can do?"

"Well, I can talk to your father about-"

"No, no, no, no. Don't tell him, please, he'll kill me if he finds out."

She raised an eyebrow and gave me a curious look but dropped the subject and sighed.

"Well, there are 2 tests coming up if you pass those with at least a 80% then I can move your grade up to an A again."

"Oh my gosh, thank you so much Ms. Virgo."

"No problem but if I see something like this again, I will contact your father."

"I promise I wont let you down."

"Good and do you need any help studying? I can get a tutor for you."

"No, thanks. I just recently got someone to help me study."

"That's great. You can now be dismissed. Have a nice day."

"I will."

I pranced out the door and my smile wouldn't leave my face. I ran out of the school and was met by the hot early may heat. I was on mission. My mission was to hunt Natsu Dragneel down. Operation Natsu Dragneel commence!!!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Erza, I need your help."

"Sure. What is it?"

"You have the records of information for all of the 12 graders, right?"

"Yeah, why?"

"I need you to get Natsu Dragneel's record."

"Roger that."

"Great. Call me when you get it."

I ended the call and slumped into the park bench. I looked around at the people and children relaxing and running around. My eye caught sight of a girl with royal blue hair being surrounded by other kids. She looked terrified like an animal trapped in a cage. I got up and got closer.

"Where is your brother now? I thought he was going to protect you."

"Please, I didn't mean to insult you. Don't hurt me."

The group of kids laughed at her quivering voice.

"So now you want to apologize I think it's too late for that."

A girl pulled out a pair of large scissors and handed it to the older girl.

"I think it's time for an haircut, dont you think so, too? I mean, your hair is very long."

The little girl whimpered at what the older girl was suggesting.

"Hold her down."

The other kids grabbed her arms and legs so she wouldn't struggle.

"Say goodbye to your precious hair."

She was about to cut the girl's hair off until I thought it was about time to step in.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?"

"None of your business. Move along."

"I'm afraid I cant simply move along when you are about to cut this girl's hair."

"Nobody gives a damn about her. Shut the hell up and go away, you old hag."

"Old hag?"

"Yeah 'old hag'." That's new. I've never heard old hag before. Am I getting old?

"Obviously, you don't know me. What grade are you in?"

"Why do you need to know?"

"Just answer the damn question."

"Tenth grade."

"That's great. It seems like I can kick your ass now that I know you're in high school."


"Oh, you thought I wouldn't get you back for, one, insulting me and, two, about to cut off an innocent girl's hair."

"So what? Come at me then."

"Fine but you should know that I fight dirty especially when it comes down to it."

"...You're bluffing."

"Am I?"

I flashed my pocket knifes with an evil grin on my face. The kids eyes widened in fear.

"You should know who you're messing with before wanting to fight them but I guess that just sucks for you. Come on, let's get this over with. I have 911 on speed dial just in case you get, you know, stabbed." I teased.

I stepped forward and they stepped back.

"Come on, what are you afraid of?"

"F-fine. We're sorry. J-just let us go home."

"That's perfectly fine with me. Now, get the hell out of here."

They ran off and the girl stayed on the ground looking at me in wonder instead of fear.

"Hey, are you okay?"


"What's your name?"

" name is-"

My phone started ringing and interrupted her sentence.

"Hold that thought."


"You did? That's great."

"But that's on the other side of town."

"Fine but I need a ride."

"Okay and is it alright if I bring an extra person?"

"You're the best. Thanks."

I looked at the girl beside me and smiled.

"Looks like you're going on a trip with me before we get you home. Are you okay with that?"


"Alright, let's wait for our ride then."

She nodded her head and we made our way back to the bench and waited. Something prodded me in the back of my head, telling me that everything was about to come together soon. Very soon.

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