Chapter 27 "Waiting"

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Natsu POV


Lucy still had not woken up from her coma. I stayed by her side until someone came and forced me to leave to eat, use the bathroom, or shower. At the moment, I was standing in front of my bathroom mirror looking at myself. Looking at how different my appearance was.

My hair was messy because it had not been brushed in awhile. My eyes were dull and I had eye bags from the amount of crying and sleeping I've done. I stopped crying this week because there were no more tears to be shed. My cheeks had sunken in a little because I have lost my appetite to eat anything. My gang tried cheering me up by cooking me spicy food but as I was about to put my food in my mouth I remembered that day at the park when Lucy and I skipped. I vomited and locked myself in the bathroom for the rest of the day. They probably think I'm unstable.

I laughed bitterly at myself through the mirror. I was pathetic. I was killing myself slowly and I didn't even care. I breathed out angerly through my nose and closed my eyes. I could still smell her. I can still hear her. I opened my eyes and looked into the mirror again. Lucy was standing behind me with a sad smile on her face. She mouthed something to me.

Don't do this Natsu, please. For me?

I turned around and tried to grab her but she wasn't there. I looked around but she still wasn't there. I punched the mirror in frustration and the glass broke and shattered on the floor. I sat on the floor defeated and put my head in my hands. A liquid slid down my cheeks and with shaking hands I reached up to touch my cheeks. It's raining? That must be it because I promised I would not cry anymore. I laughed lightly. How weird...its raining on the inside.


Lucy was still in her coma. It was wintertime now. The air was colder and so was the look in my eyes. I looked better but I was pretty much emotionless now. I kept my emotions bottled up and didn't care about anything much anymore. In school, I was avoided because of my cold atmosphere. I distanced myself from the people who care for me the most. I was on my way to Lisanna's place because she said she wanted to talk to me in person. I buried my hands deeper in my coat and watched as a cloud of cold air escaped from my mouth.

I knocked on her door and she opened the door up the door almost immediately, gave me a once over, and moved aside without a word so I could go in. The warm air from her fireplace ambushed me as soon as I stepped inside. I shivered from the sudden change of air temperatures. I took off my coat and threw it on her couch. Lisanna's stare weighed down my movements so I gave her a stare of my own. She flinched and looked away. I sat down on the couch and slouched.

"Why am I here, Lisanna? You're wasting my time." I said in a solid voice.

"I want to help you." She whispered inching closer to me.

"Lisanna, I don-" I started to say but Lisanna cut me off.

"No, I want to help both of us. I'm suffering. Not as much as before but it still hurts seeing you here. You're definately suffering. We can heal each other. Don't you see?"

I started to sit up but she pushed me back. She lowered her waistband on her shorts and there imprinted into her skin was the letter 'N' with a heart around it. I reconized it immediately. It was the tattoo she got for our anniversary when we were dating. She put my hand in hers and placed it on her hip. She looked me in the eyes and I saw every emotion in her right then. Love, Lust, Determination, and a hint of jealousy. But what was she jealous of?

She leaned forward and brushed her lips against my neck. The act burned my skin but not in a intimate way, in a painful way. She gripped my fore arms and they burned, too. She pressed her lips against mine and pain exploded through my body. I pushed her off of me and stood up. It hurt to be touched by her.

"What's wrong?"

"This." I said harshly while motioning between us.

"We're healing each other."

"No, we're not. I'm in a relationship Lisanna I cant do this."

"Natsu, she is in a coma. She wont know about it."

"I don't care, Lisanna. What don't you get about the word 'No'?"

"...why?" She whispered.

"Why what?"

"Why her? We had everything and still while she is in comatose, you wont just love me once more." She yelled with tears in her eyes.

"You wanna know why not you?" I asked calmly.


"You're not Lucy." I said coldly and walked out of her house.




I've been in this darkness for awhile. How long has it been? A few days? Months? Years? All I've seen is darkness and its cold. Who am I? Uh..I think my name was Lulu or something like that. Oh yeah! It was Lucy...Lucy um...Heart? No..Heartfilia!!! Yeah, that's it. What am I doing here? I think I was...kidnapped. Yeah!!! But what happened after that?

A image flashed through the darkness but then disappeared quickly back into the void. Guns...blood...pain. Wow, I am really badass but all that hurt like a bitch. Another image flashed through. Love...warmth...the need to protect. That guy...I love him. But what was his name again? Natsu. Yeah, Natsu. I like saying his name. His last name is Dragneel, right? That's why he's so warm because he's probably a decendent from a fire dragon.

I want to see him again. I want to hug him. I frowned deeply at the thought of him forgetting about me. Will he be there when I get out of this place? A glow of golden light burst through the darkness and hand was reaching for mine. I reached out and grasped a hold of it and I was overcome with a welcoming feeling that felt like home.

Moments later, I heard beeping noises. I cracked open my eyelids and looked to my right. I saw a machine that was monitoring my heartbeat and an IV. I looked to my left and saw a window. It was snowing. But I didn't see Natsu. The one person I wanted to see as soon as I woke up. As the snow fell down upon Magnolia, my tears fell at the same pace. Slow and peaceful.

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