Chapter 1

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"Blaine, sweetie will you come here please?" Kurt called.

I walked in the living room and saw this beautiful picnic set up where the couch and coffee table should be.

"What's this?" I asked, taking everything in.

There was a blanket on the floor different snacks scattered across it, a bouquet in the middle with candles surrounding it with a card in front of it. There was a metal bucket with ice and a bottle of wine, I think or maybe it was sparkling apple juice, I don't know it was very romantic though. There Champaign glasses on either side of the blanket and Kurt was sitting on one side looking sexy as ever.

"You did that whole great thing for our anniversary last month, with the proposal and stuff. I just wanted to do something as well. I wanted to get my dominate side out for a moment," he smiled, motioning for me to sit across from him.

I sat down and smiled. He is such a romantic.

"I love this," I said, looking him in his eyes.

"And I love you," he smiled.

We leaned into each other and shared a nice kiss.

"I managed to get some wine from my dad," he said, pulling away from me.

"Ooh, fancy," I smiled, holding my glass out.

He poured us some and I swear I could tell he wanted to ask me something very important. The question was in his eyes, I just couldn't read it.

"To us being happy together," he said, raising his glass.

"I'll drink to that," I smiled, clinking our glasses together.

"Read this," he said handing me the card in front of the flowers.

I put my glass down and opened the card. Tears immediately filled my eyes as I read the words.

My sweet and dearest Blaine,

You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. You are my world and my sun. If I were to lose you I would literally die because you are the air that I breath. I love you more than I love my Alexander McQueen collection. We have been through so much and I would do everything again, just because I overcame it with you. I have nothing without you Blaine Anderson, nothing at all. You are the love of my life forever and always. I'm glad to be able to call you my fiancé, but I want to give you something just as gorgeous as the ring you gave me. Please do not flip, but put this card down and look at what I have in my hand.

I put the card down and in front of me was a sight to behold. Kurt was in front of me on one knee holding a red velvet box. My tears were blinding me, so I wiped my eyes and looked at the gorgeous ring that was staring me in the face. It was a gold ring with a diamond in the middle with smaller diamonds going around it.

"Blaine Devon Anderson, will you do me the honor and marry me?" he asked, trying to hold back his tears.

Oh my God. I was speechless, I wanted to say yes my vocal cords wouldn't let me speak, so I just nodded rapidly and pounced on him. I kissed him passionately, licking his face .

"Is that a yes?" he asked, pushing me off of him.

"Yes!!!" I screamed.

He grabbed my left hand and slid the ring on my ring finger. I couldn't help but stare at it, it was so gorgeous on my hand.

"I love you so much," I said, attacking me again. This time he locked his arms around me and held me close to him. Mm, he smelled so good.

"I love you too, fiancé," he said against my lips.

"I'm home," Dave said from the door.

"Shit," I said against Kurt's lips.

Kurt pushed me off of him and I just laid on the floor feeling very sexually frustrated.

"Hi boys," Dave said, walking to his room.

"Hello David," I sighed. "I need a cold shower."

I was pissed.

"I'm going for a walk, walk me with me fiancé," Kurt said, getting up off the floor.

I smiled and got up. "Let me get my shoes and jacket."

Walking around Lima with Kurt is super romantic, to me anyway. Damn Dave coming home at the wrong times, he could have stayed wherever it was he was at for at least another two hours.


"Let me see! Let me see!" Tina said, running up to me, with Quinn behind.

I held out my left hand and showed them my new ring.

"It's even cuter on your hand than it was in the box," Quinn gushed.

"You've seen it already?" I asked.

"Yeah, Kurt sent us a picture of it and sent it to us yesterday," Tina said, holding my hand up to her face.

I was again speechless.

"Who's ring do you think is cuter Quinn? Kurt's or Blaine's" Tina asked, as we walked down the hall towards the choir room.

"I have to see Kurt's ring again to do a good comparison," she smiled.

"That can be arranged," Tina pulled us down the hall and into the choir room where Kurt was sitting, talking to Rachel and Mercedes.

"Kurt come here," she shouted.

He looked up, his ocean blue eyes sparkling. He skipped over to us and Tina grabbed his left hand and held it next to mine.

"Oh, they are both so gorgeous!" Quinn exclaimed.

"What's going on here?" Kurt asked, raising an eyebrow.

"They are comparing rings," I sighed.

"Oh, it's not a competition. Both rings are equally gorgeous for equally gorgeous people," he smiled, kissing my cheek.

"I agree," Tina smiled.

Happy day!!

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