Chapter 6

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"School and then hospital," I told Kurt as I came out the bathroom.

It had been a few days since we've seen Burt and it was killing him, I could tell. He needed to see his father and I understood that, but we need to get ready to graduate.

"Come on Blainey-Boo, it's Friday, let's just skip today and text one of the girls or Finn to see what we miss," he said with a pouty face. I love that face, but it get's me to do a lot of things that I would otherwise say no to if he wasn't making that face. "By the way, you look hot in that towel. And I mean dirty hot."

I looked at him and rolled my eyes. He really wanted to skip to see his father, and who am I to stop him? Oh that's right, I'm his fiancé, I can do that.

"Kurt Elizabeth Hummel, get your ass up and get ready for school," I said with authority in my voice.

He looked at me like I had lost my mind. I probably had because this has been an argument all week. We weren't allowed at the hospital because they were running major tests and they didn't want us exposed. "Are you serious right now?"

"How about this? We go to school and leave after English, so at least we can get our paper out the way for the day," I sighed, sitting on the bed.

He rolled over and placed his head on my thigh. He rubbed his hand up my chest, he was thinking about what I had just said (when we are home or alone, and he is thinking deeply, he likes to rub on me. It's really weird because he never looks me in the eye, but at my jaw line with a smile on his face with a hand on my chest).

"Promise?" he asked, looking at me.

"Promise," I smiled.

He got off of me, pulled the towel from around my waist, and slowly walked into the bathroom. He was so cute when he was upset. I got up and got dressed quickly before grabbing my messenger bag and placing it in the living room. It was 8:14, meaning we were late for school, but late is better than not going. All I was missing was Gym and Kurt was missing Art, classes that neither of us were mad about missing.

I walked in the kitchen and made two breakfast sandwiches, with loads of bacon on mine and none on Kurt's. He was going to kill me for having all this bacon on my sandwich but at this point I could care less.

"Blaine Devon Anderson!!??" he shouted from the bedroom.

"Yes honey," I said. I knew I was in trouble with him, but I didn't care. I leaned against the cabinets and began eating my bacon-y sandwich.

He stormed into the kitchen with the towel wrapped around him, his hair dripping with water.

"Why do I smell bacon?" he asked, placing his hands on his hips.

"Because you have a nose," I said, taking a huge bite out of my sandwich.

"Don't get smart! Did you cook bacon?" he asked.



"Because I need bacon in my life in order to survive, I only made like four pieces," I said, taking another bite. Oh my goodness, this sandwich was so damn good. "I made you a sandwich with no bacon."

He rolled his eyes at me and walked back into our bedroom to get dressed. "Hurry up, we're late!"

"Don't rush me Anderson!" he shouted.

"We're using last names Hummel?" I laughed.

He peeked around the corner and gave me his 'bitch please' look. "You know that looks a turn on?"

He rolled his eyes again and went back in the bedroom. He came back ten minutes later fully dressed. "Is this better?"

"You look hot," I said, dropping the rest of my sandwich on the counter.

"I know, hand me my sandwich so we can leave," he said, holding his hand out for his sandwich.

I handed it to him and grabbed my bag and headed out the door.


"Well it's Lady Hummel and Gay Anderson," Nathan said when we walked in class.

"Hey Monkey Ass," I said.

"Nice comeback, who thought of you or Lady Hummel?" Nathan asked.

"Look damn it! I'm not in the mood for your shit today Nathan. Now if you don't want a can of whoop ass opened up on you, I suggest you shut the hell up," Kurt said. He was pissed.

'Bzz,bzz' I grabbed my phone out my pocket and looked at the message.

Babe <3: this is why i didn't to come school

I looked at Kurt with my death glare and he shot me with his stank look.

"I'm not scared of two gays," Nathan laughed.

Kurt tried lunging at him but I grabbed him and tossed on the other side of me with a sigh. "Stop, here come Mrs. Edwards."

Kurt looked up at me with this look that said 'I want to kill him with my bare hands!'

"Was you going to hit me Fag Boy? Ha, oh no, you boyfriend tossed you across the room," he laughed.

"Nathan King! Figgins!" she shouted.

He got his stuff and stormed out the library.

"Sit down Mr. Hummel," she said.

He looked at me and he was pissed. He wasn't going to do any work today.

"Okay, today we are working on our third source. Computers are ready for use and the books are up here. If you need any help feel free to ask," Mrs. Edwards said sitting down at her table.

I grabbed a laptop and began Googling different things about gay rights. There were a lot of different things to look up, but I wasn't focused on it at all.

I got on Facebook and I saw Kurt was on so I sent him an Instant Message.

Blaine Kurt'sKutie Anderson: Are you okay babe?

Kurt Blaine'sBaby Hummel: Not really, I want to leave now

Blaine Kurt'sKutie Anderson: When class is over

Kurt Blaine'sBaby Hummel: Why can't we leave now? We not working on anything and we are way past out third source

Blaine Kurt'sKutie Anderson: I know, but we need to keep our attendance up

Kurt Blaine'sBaby Hummel: UGH!!!

Blaine Kurt'sKutie Anderson: Calm down, it's almost over

Kurt Blaine'sBaby Hummel: Wake me when we leave

Blaine Kurt'sKutie Anderson: Will do honey!

I logged off of Facebook and began googling random things.

Soon the bell rang and Kurt jumped up and ran out the library. I was not about to rush after him because 1) I didn't feel like running at this moment and 2) because I knew where he was going so it made no sense for me to chase him.

This is going to be a long day.

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