Chapter 9

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Babe <3: I need you here with me now! I can't breathe please come get Blaine

I kept reading the message over and over again until Quinn, or maybe it was Tina, took my phone from me.

"Let's go," Quinn, or was it Tina, said, tugging me out the mall.

One of them dug in my front pocket and grabbed the keys, it took them both to get me in the front seat. I was frozen in shock and the words of the message kept playing in my head. I think I blacked out or something because the one minute I was sitting in the front seat of the Navigator and the next I was walking towards Burt's hospital room with Quinn and Tina.

They pushed me in the room and all I saw was a crying Kurt and a sleeping Burt.

"Kurt," I heard myself whisper.

He turned to face me, his face was red and streaked with tears. "Blaine, oh my God! Blaine!" He ran to me and wrapped his slender arms around me.

"What's wrong baby?" I asked, stroking his head softly.

"My dad, he-he-h-he ha-has......My dad has pros-pros-prostate cancer," he sputtered, crying hard into my chest.

I gently pushed him back a little to see his face clearly. "It's going to be alright." I was so trying to stay positive but it was hard when he was crying the way he was.

"Blaine, my father has cancer! How is any of this going to be alright?" he shouted. His face got angry at that moment and I honestly didn't know what to do.

Just then Carole came in the room and wrapped her arms around us. "Kurt, your father is going to be fine. They caught it early and he will start treatments next week. He gets to go home tonight."

She turned me around so that both Kurt and I were both looking at her. She made the mood calmer.

"We're going to stay with you guys until all this over," Kurt said, looking at me.

"That's fine with me honey," I smiled, pulling him close to me.

"Come on, we have to go pack and get some stuff," he said, pulling me out the hospital room.

"I have to drop the girls off first," I said, when we made it to where Quinn and Tina were sitting. "Come on girlies!"

"Okay, let's go."

He was in full dominate mode, he wasn't about to be subjected to anything today, or possibly for a few weeks.

I grabbed the keys from the girls and proceeded to exit the hospital with my hand wrapped tightly around Kurt's.

We got to the apartment and Kurt raced inside to grab the suitcase and start throwing weeks worth of clothes in it. I didn't object to his craziness because I didn't want his wrath being blasted my way. "Blaine where are the rest of your pajamas?"

"Dresser," I said, simply falling back on the bed.

"Kay, um do you need your hair products?" he asked running in the bathroom and back to the bedroom.

"Just one jar of gel and um a brush or two, oh and my comb," I said, pulling my phone out my pocket.

I saw that I two messages, one was from my mom and the other was from Cooper. I wonder what they want.

Mom: You might not be aware or even care for that matter, but your father's birthday is coming up and the family is going to the cemetery to have a little celebration for a while and then we're going out to dinner for a memorial birthday dinner. I would love it if you and Kurt would come along as well. Let me know!

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