Chapter 48

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I never thought Kurt would look so hot being pregnant, but he is. He has this glow about him when he's walking around the apartment (after he has thrown up the contents of whatever he ate the night before). The glow is different that his after-sex glow, that glow is sexy in it's own way though. This glow, though, it's radiant and beautiful. It's like he was born to be pregnant.

We decided that we were going to move to New York a few weeks before classes started. Kurt wanted to spend as much time with his dad before we moved away because we wouldn't be coming back here until Thanksgiving and then back in December for Christmas and the birth of the baby. I wasn't opposed to us staying here, I wasn't in any rush to move in with Rachel Berry. I just hoped when we all moved in together, that Kurt see's that we need our own space and that we get our own place together.

Finally moving day comes and we have everything packed away in U-Haul trucks and my car. We decided that with Kurt being five months that we didn't want to risk him being on a plan and something bad happens to the baby.

"I need to make a few stops before we hit the road," he told me as we loaded the last box into the back of the U-Haul.

"Okay, where do we need to go?" I asked.

He took a deep, shaky, breath; his eyes never met mine. What is he thinking? I gently put my fingers under his chin, guiding his face to mine so I could meet his eyes. Even then, he moved his eyes all around my face, looking everywhere but at my eyes.

"What's wrong sweetheart?" I asked gently.

"I...I need to see them before we go," he whispered incredibly softly.

I raised an eyebrow. "See who baby?"

Finally he met my eyes. There were tears on the rim of his eyes and I could clearly see the sadness swimming around his blue eyes. Suddenly, it hit me who he was talking about. "Oh sweetheart." I pulled him into a tight hug, well as tight as it can be with his baby bump in the way.

"I...I won't...I can't...we're going to be all the way in New York. am I going to see...them?"

I rubbed his back soothingly, kissing the sides of his head softly. "We'll come back as often as you need too. We'll be back in November and December, so you can see them plenty then."

He nodded into my shoulder, I could feel the tears soaking through my t-shirt but I didn't push him away. He needed to get this out, and I know it's going to be rough for him. I think it's harder because he's pregnant and his mother won't be able to see her grandchild when he or she is born.

"Okay, come on." He picked his head off my shoulder, grabbed my hand and pulled me to the car.

I helped him in before scurrying over to my side and driving to the cemetery. It was deserted, save for a few families that were at fresh graves.

"Where to first?" I asked once we were both out the car.

"My mom, you've never met her," he murmured with a soft smile. "You would have loved each other so much."

I kissed his cheek, following him through rows and rows of graves. We made our way to the center of the cemetery, to a big weeping willow. He stopped right under the tree, kneeling down next to a gorgeous tombstone. It was light grey with a picture of a woman at the very top. She was gorgeous to say the least, she had long chestnut colored hair, just like Kurt and she had the purest porcelain skin, just like Kurt. She was the splitting image of Kurt, just with longer hair and a deeper color blue eyes.

Under the picture was her name 'Elizabeth Anne Hummel' sunrise October 8, 1969, sunset January 26, 2002. 'A beloved mother, wife, sister and daughter. May heaven hold what Earth couldn't keep.'

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