Chapter 31

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Damn it feels like I was just slapped by the Titanic! What just happened? Why can't I feel anything below my waist? Oh God, what just happened?

I opened my eyes and saw that I was upside down in the Navigator. What the hell? I moved my arm, but it was stuck under something. I looked over at it and saw that the dashboard was pining my arm to the roof of the car. I moved my other arm which hurt like hell to move the dashboard. Okay my arms are free!

"Oh my God, someone call 911!" I heard all around me.

"That man is drunk!"

"Its the middle of the day! He's moving! Sir can you hear me? Sir! Help is on the way!" some lady was yelling towards me.

So what I have gathered from this is that I was hit by a drunk driver in the middle of the damn day. I am trapped inside of this hunk of metal because of a fucking drunk driver! Oh my God!

I started hearing sirens coming my way. Now my head is pounding like I'm drunk again. Oh my God, Kurt! What is he going to do?

"Sir can you hear me? If you can hear me blink." an EMT said to me.

I moved my head over to the voice and blinked. I was in so much pain its ridiculous, I want it to stop however it can.

"Don't move your head, here let me put this collar on you for support. Can you tell me your name?"

"Bl-bl-bla-Blaine an-an-Anderson," I managed. My mouth was dry and my chest was burning. I wish it would stop.

"Okay Blaine my name is John. I'm going to get you out of here. Does anything hurt?" his voice was so soft and soothing.

"I can't feel below my waist."

"Get me the jaws! Its going to be okay, can we call somebody for you?"

My breathed hitched and then it quickened. Who should I have them call first, my mom or Kurt. Kurt's at work and I don't want to bother him right now.

"My mom, Alexandra Anderson." I wanted to be surrounded by nothingness, because nothingness has no feelings and that is all I want right now.

"Your mom is the famous lawyer Alexandra Anderson?" he asked, looking shocked.

This is why I don't tell people who she is because its always the same reaction, and I hate it. Like right now, I'm stuck in a damn car in pain and this man wants to ask about my mother. Like, what the fuck? Can I be rescued before asking me all of this?

I rolled my eyes and sighed. I don't think he saw because he didn't say anything.

"Okay Mr. Anderson, we're going to get you out," John said.

I didn't respond, I just stared at him, hoping he could stop this horrible pain.

I heard something that sounded like a chainsaw, then I felt an unusual sensation below my legs. Was it pain? No, it felt like something was sitting on me, then I felt nothing. I couldn't feel a thing and I was beginning to freak out.

"Okay Blaine, I'm going to put you on the backboard after I pull you out, I need for you to be perfectly still," John said softly.

I didn't want to talk, all I wanted to do was get this pain in my body to stop and for me to be able to feel something below my waist because at this point I can't feel a damn thing.

He grabbed my shoulders and gently pulled me out of the ruble, and then nothing. I couldn't see, feel, or hear anything. My senses had completely shut down and left me to a world of nothingness. I wanted this, but not like this. I wanted to be able to hear what happened to me and was I going to be okay, but no, I have nothing at all but a world of black and cold.


"Hey Blainey Boy," I heard the familiar voice of my father.

I turned towards the voice, and there he was looking at me with so much sadness in his eyes and face.

"Hi Dad."

He smiled weakly and ran over to me and gave me a hug. "I'm so sorry for what I put you through. There is no excuse as to why I did what I did, because I all I carried about was your happiness, if you could ever forgive me Blaine I would be so happy," he was crying now.

After all the shit he put me through, I still love him because he is my father, and after hearing what my mom said at the vigil thing, I believe it. He was having fucked up days and decided to get fucked up and the first thing that wasn't approved to him sober, he didn't like.

"I forgive you Dad, I love you so much," I smiled and squeezed him back.

"I love you too."

We hugged some more and cried. This is a moment I wish we could have had when he was alive.

"Dad, where am I?" I asked, pulling back from him.

"There's no name for this place, its just you're not dead and you're not alive either," he sighed.

"So I'm in limbo?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"More or less," he smiled.

I looked around and I could see me, on the backboard, bleeding profusely from my legs and abdomen. The image made me cringe and run to my father.

"What the hell?"

"Your lower body was compressed by the dashboard of the Navigator. Your mother is on her way," he said, holding me.

I looked around and saw my mom's car coming through all the cop cars and then she ran towards my mangled body. She was crying over my body hysterically, but John pushed her back slightly so they could place me on the stretcher and roll me into the ambulance. She jumped back into her car and sped off towards the hospital.

The ambulance followed her and then my vision was getting blurry. "Dad, what's happening?"

"They are shocking you."

I looked and I began seeing black spots. Everything was going black again. Shit! I didn't want the black anymore, I wanted to see and to feel and to hear.

My dad was fading from my sight as the ambulance drove closer to the hospital until.....nothing.

I was surrounded by nothing again and I hated it. I wanted something to look at and to hear, but no I saw nothing.

I wanted my Kurt and I don't even know if he knows I'm half dead. I need my man.

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