Chapter 8

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"Kurt I have to get ready to meet the girls and you have to get ready to go see your dad," I said, as he was nibbling on my neck.

"I don't want to move from this spot," he said against my neck.

We were in the bed, snuggled real close together. We kind of did some extra things when we got in the house last night. I was kind of feeling bad that we were going around people separately after last night, because I know the whole time I'm not around him, he will be on my mind heavily.

"Give me one more round," he begged.

He pulled his head back so he could look at me. His ocean blue eyes  were pleading and it was a major turn on. "One more," I said, kissing him softly.

"We'll see about that," he laughed, climbing on top of me.


"Let's take a shower together," Kurt said, trying to pull me towards the bathroom.

"Kurt what has gotten into?" I asked, with a laugh.

"What, a man can't make love to his fiancé a whole lot whenever he wants," he asked, biting my bottom lip.

"Damn," I said. He was trying to get his mind off of something or he was just thoroughly loving the fact that Dave wasn't home this weekend. I didn't care either way.

He pulled me in the bathroom and into the shower. The hot water ran over our bodies, drenching our hair. Kurt held me tight to him as he kissed me, going from my lips to my neck to my chest. I think he was avoiding going to the hospital to hear the results of his father's prostate exam.

"Stop. You are avoiding your father's prostate exam results," I said, pinning his hands to his sides.

His eyes got wide as he stared at me. I knew I was right.

"I'm sorry I can't go with you baby, but you have to go and see him," I said.

"I know, I'm just so scared of the results," he said, I could hear the tears in his voice. The shower masked his tears on his face.

"Think positive and know I'm just a phone call away," I smiled.

He leaned his head against my chest and I wrapped my arms protectively around him. He's my baby and I can't let him hurt like this.

I pulled his head towards mine and kissed him tenderly, I knew he was going to respond positively to it. He did.

"Okay, we have to go," I said.

"Okay," he said, pulling me out of the shower and to our bedroom. He pushed me down on the bed and climbed on top of me.

"Kurt, as much as I have loved this today, we have to go and we are getting the bed wet," I said, trying to push him off of me.

He looked at me and pouted. "I'll make you a deal."

"What is it?" he asked, looking me in my eyes.

"We can skip school Monday and we can do all of this all night tomorrow night and all day Monday," I smiled.



"I love you," he smiled, kissing me and running in the closet.

I laid there and laughed for a while before I followed him.

Forty-five minutes, another fool-around session in the closet, two facials, hair drying and styling later, Kurt and I were ready to go.

"Let's go love," I smiled, holding my hand out for him to grab.

He took it eagerly and we were off to tackle our day.

Once we got in his Navigator, I shot a text to Quinn and Tina.

Me: I'm dropping Kurt off at the hospital and I'll be to pick you up

"If you need me or if you're ready to leave just text or call me and I'll be here," I told Kurt as we pulled up at the hospital.

"Okay baby, have fun with Quinny and Tina," he smiled.

"Will do," I smiled back. I leaned across the seat and kissed him softly. "I love you Kurt."

"I love you too Blaine," he said.

"Okay babe, see you in a few hours."

"Alright honey, have fun but not too much fun," he laughed, sliding out the car.

I waited for him to disappear into the hospital.

Quinny-Bear: I'm at Tina's

Me: Okay, I'll be there in about 5

I pulled up in front of Tina's house to see her and Quinn sitting on the porch. They ran down the walkway and jumped in the Navigator.

"Where to ladies?" I asked, when they were in the car.

"Mall and then Lima Bean!" Quinn shouted next to me.

"That sounds like a plan to me," I laughed as I drove towards the mall.

"Ooh Tina, Blaine has that glow going on," Quinn laughed, turning around to face Tina.

"Yeah, I see it," Tina laughed back.

I was confused. "What glow are you talking about?" I asked.

"You know the glow you get after some extras happen," Tina said, tapping my shoulder.

"I have no clue what you are talking about," I lied. I was now fully aware what glow they were talking about. Was I going to admit it them that Kurt and I did our 'extras' for a really long time last night and this morning? Um, hell to the naw!

"You know, because you're blushing!" Quinn said, touching my burning cheek.

"I plead the fifth!" I laughed.

"Eeww, you did!" Tina squealed from the backseat.

"So what!? I am engaged to the boy! It was just... he couldn't stop touching me, I didn't want him to, but then again I did," I said, my smile fading a little.

"You know, I've noticed that every since you and Kurt came back to school, Kurt won't stop touching you,' Quinn said, her voice serious.

"It's his dad, I called him on it this morning. He's trying to distract his mind from thinking about Burt and I fully understand that. He refused to leave the house this morning, I had to promise him that we would skip school Monday so he can have me to himself," I laughed at that.

"I understand he wants a distraction, but damn you gone skip school Monday?' Tina asked.

"I don't know yet, it's all going to depend on the test results today," I sighed, pulling into the mall parking lot.

We jumped out the car, linked arms, me in the middle of course, and walked in the mall.

"What test results?" Quinn asked.

"Burt had a prostate exam yesterday," I said softly.

"Why, he had a heart attack," Tina said.

"Well apparently Burt hasn't had a physical in some years, so they decided this was the best time to do a full physical on him," I said.

"That makes sense, he'll be okay though," Quinn said, squeezing my arm a little.

"I know, I just really hate seeing Kurt so hurt like this," I sighed.

"Well enough of this sad stuff, let's shop until we drop!" Tina said, dragging us into the nearest store.

'Bzz, bzz.' my phone began vibrating halfway through our impromptu shopping spree.

Babe <3: I need you here with me now! I can't breathe, please come get me Blaine.

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