Chapter 49

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A/N: I'm so sorry that it has taken me so long to update this. I introduced two new characters, they are completely OC's and will be in the remainder of the story and possibly in the next book when and if I make a third installment of this.

WARNINGS: smut, more MPreg, mentions of violence


Over the next few days, Kurt stayed in the loft, putting things where he wanted them to go. I hadn't had the heart to tell him that we might be moving soon. He didn't need to worry about that right now, so I'll just let him do what he's doing. I'll worry about re-packing everything later.

I've looked at many different places where we could move, but none of them seemed right. Nothing seems right period because of the pregnacy. How can Kurt go to school when we're going to be having newborns? Hell, how am I going to be going to school. I think we need to take a year off, and then maybe we can look at differnet career options.

I've been notcing Kurt doing little sketches while we were just at home doing nothing. I don't think he knows that I know, but truth be told, he's really good. And it seems now that school is out, neither of us are as passionate about performing anymore. Kurt is wrapped up in sketching clothes that, look extremely good and worthy of being in Vogue and Seventeen by the way, and I've been thinking more pratcially. Maybe having children with two parents going into performing isn't such a good idea. I was thinking I could become a lawyer, they make lots of money, and that way, I will be able to by an actual house for my family and we won't have to live in apartments for the rest of our lives.

Speaking of apartments, I recently found a really nice one on the upper east side, away from all the hustle and bustle of New York. There's a nice little park across the street, somewhere the kids can go and be happy. I think Kurt will like it and it's cheap.  Now all I have to do is talk to Kurt about all of this and see where his head is at. If I want, I can move into the new apartment now.

The landlord is an African-American man name Jullian and he seemed qute taken with me, and that's partly because he's gay and he wants more gay tenats that he can possibly become friends with. He has a boyfriend who is a student at NYU, his name is Blandan and apparently, he's prego as well. Who knew I would meet all these pregnant gay men when Kurt became prego? I'm not complaing, maybe we can share war stories. Jullian is really cool and I think we can become friends.

After leaving the new apartment building and signing all the necessary papers, I was headed back to the loft and to my love. I drove peacefully to the loft, parking in my designated spot and made my way upstairs. Opening the door, I saw Kurt dancing around as he put different things away. I didn't have the heart to make him stop, but we had things to discuss.

"Hey love," I murmured softly.

He spun around, putting the vase he was holding down and skipping over to me. I wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled him close to me. He hugged and kissed me swiftly, smiling brightly at me. "How was your day?" he asked.

"Amazing, I actually found us a new place to live. It's on the upper east side, away from all the busyness that is New York," I informed him. He face fell as the words seeped through to him. I knew he wouldn't understand the reasons behind the location of our new place right away, but hopefully he would.

"Why so far away?" he asked. His voice was small and thick with unshed tears. This conversation was going to end one of two ways, he was going to be happy about the move or he was going to hate it and we were going to have to stay here to raise our children.

"Let's sit," I suggested, leading him to our bedroom where our bed was. He followed me reluctantly, and sat next to me. "I was thinking that we should maybe take a year off from school."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2013 ⏰

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