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"We're coming over in a few." I hear Jas' voice from my phone

"Cool, my mom's not home. Define we?" I ask while taking out some heated leftover from last night's dinner from the microwave

"Just the girls, we're planning to meet up with the boys at the party tonight, they're still down in the field." She says

I nod to myself, "Okay, I'll order some food for us. Oh, and let me shower first, I just woke up."

"From a nap? It's 2 pm, Gail."

"Uh.. I know. I just woke up from a 15-hour sleep."

"Go shower you filthy ginger!" She says playfully

"I love you too. Bye, bitch." I jokingly say before closing the call.

After finishing a plate of lasagna, I head to the bathroom and take a quick shower before the girls get here. Call me lazy, but don't tell me how to spend my saturday morning by not sleeping in until noon.

They arrive just in time I finish cleaning up, and my room is quickly invaded by them. The pizza delivery guy also arrives not long after that and Jas puts on some 90's chick flick to watch. We are all set.

"Hey, did you draw all of these?" Lillia asks as she scans the walls

I nod, "I did, I'm not really good though."

"Are you kidding me? These are fantastic! I maybe not be an art expert but I sure can tell you're one excellent artist. I bet you're planning for art school next year." She replies

"Thanks, but really, I only take art as a hobby. Nothing really serious." I say

"You have the talent, not many people have it. Where are you planning to go after highschool by the way? I heard Ms. Rosaline is starting to open up sessions for college application help soon." Holly says

I shake my head, "I.. Seriously don't know yet. I don't have anything planned for college. What about you guys?"

"Well, I'm hoping to get in NYU, Lil and I actually." Jasexplains

"Forever stuck with this chick." Lillia throws a pillow at Jas


"London School of Economics! I want it that bad I've been practicing british accent so I can fit in easily then. Would you like a cup of tea, Your Highness?" She says in a fake british accent

We all laugh and Jas throws a pillow at her. We end up ditching the movie. We start talking about random stuff for hours, we don't even run our of topics to talk about. That's what I like about them, we always find out new things about each other. It feels like I've known them forever and I like the way they treat me as if I wasn't just a new comer.

"It's already 9!" Holly squeals

"Wow, it doesn't feel like it though." I check the time on my phone

"We should get going, I swear Steve's gonna make my phone explode if he sends another message asking us where we are." Jas scrunches her brows at the sight of her phone screen 

I quickly change into a pair of black skinny jeans, a loose white t-shirt and topping it off with a black leather jacket that Lilia begs for me to wear tonight. It's not usually something I'd wear, to be honest. But now that I look at myself in the mirror, I think people will be seeing a lot more of this jacket after tonight. 

After bidding good bye to my mom, we leave for the party. It's hosted by a kid from Towson High School who happens to be a friend of Chris'. It takes us about 30 minutes to get there since it's outside of our usual area.

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