Twenty Seven

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"We didn't do it."

Travis looks up from his phone, "Oh, hey. Hello there, Gail."

"Travis.. We didn't do it." I say once again

"Do what?..  Can you be a little bit more specific please I mean you literally just came up to me, no Hi no Hello." He says

"Bonjour, Monsieur Travis. Now hear me out." I roll my eyes

"Alright, you didn't do what?"

"After the date.. we didn't have sex." I admit

"Ooh alright. I get it now. What happened? What did he say?" Travis asks

"He was really understanding and I feel really bad because, well, I decided to stop it halfway through." I sigh

"Gail, as I've told you before, it's your choice. You shouldn't do it because you feel bad or pressured." He says

"What if I want to do it?"

"Girl, make up your mind!" Travis laughs

I smack him, "Alright. I do want to do it, but yes, I'm not ready. And.."

"And what?"

"You know.. When doing it, who usually provides the protection?" I say slowly

Travis laughs again, "Oh my God, Gail."

"Hey, I'm just being straight forward here! I've never had to deal with this kind of thing before! Also, I don't know, it just seems really awkward going to a store and you know, pick up condoms." I frown

"Is it what it's all about?" He can't stop laughing

My face turns red, "Of course not!"

"Alright, let's go. " He takes his bag and drags me to his car

"Travis, for the love of God where are you taking me to? Dammit, let me at least text Alex that I won't be going home with him." I say

And you know where he's taking me to? Freaking Target.

"Alright, let's see here. How many boxes do you need? Keep one in your room, and you should definitely keep one in the bathroom-who knows." He takes 2 boxes, examining the different types

"Travis! Stop it!" My face turns redder than ever

"Gail, seriously, no one cares if you're buying condoms, morning-after pills, or anything. They're not gonna judge you. Would you rather go to a store and pick up condoms or risk having unprotected sex because you're too scared of getting one?" He says while casually paying, "See, the cashier doesn't give a damn what you're buying."

I sigh, "Well, maybe you're right."

Travis hands me the boxes, "Here you go."

"You embarrassed me to death, but.. Thanks." I say

"Your welcome. And Gail? Remember. You shouldn't feel pressured at all into doing anything you don't want to, okay?" He squeezes my shoulder

I smile, "Alright."


I'm back home after Travis dropped me off from Target. My mom isn't home yet, so I go straight to my room and put my bag down. I don't see Alex's car parked on his lawn, he must be at the mall accompanying Jack at work. I check my phone to see a message from him telling that he'll stop by when he gets back. I've also received a message from Sage, who told me that the rest of the painting profit has been transferred to my account. Checking my account's balance on my laptop, I send Sage a thank you message. I decide to take a quick hot shower and make my self a cup of tea just to relax a little bit until mom comes home and Alex stops by. Lounging in the living room, I open my laptop once again and look up Taylor Guitars. Now that I have all the money I need, I'm ordering Alex's birthday present. His birthday is in a week, it also takes a couple of days for the order to be sent. I'm just hoping that it arrives before his birthday. I've asked Jack earlier since I don't really know which type's which. I also made him promise to keep his mouth shut to Alex. It's supposed to be a surprise. After he'd broken his acoustic guitar, he's been saving up to get another one.

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