Twenty Eight

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It's December 14. Alex's birthday.

"Happy birthday!!" I tackle him into a hug the second I see him, a little bit too enthusiastically

Alex laughs, "Woah woah, it's my birthday, why do you seem to be more excited about it."

"Because it's your birthday! And I love birthdays. Happy birthday, once again." I give him a peck on the lips

"Thanks, Gail." He smiles and pulls me in for another kiss

"I hate to break this off but we need to get going or else we're gonna be late for school." I remind him

Alex frowns disappointedly and we get inside of the car. Turning the engine on, he starts to drive.

"So, my birthday dinner, tonight at 8? Where exactly is it you're taking me?" He asks

"It's a surprise! I've planned it all out. Like I said, I love birthdays. Birthday planning included." I say

"Alright alright. I trust you on this." Alex laughs

"I have a very special day planned for you." I smirk

When we get to school, we are greeted by everyone saying happy birthday to Alex. Unfortunately we can't chat for long because the bell rings not long after we arrive. We walk together to home room and take our usual seats.

"So, no surprises for me? I mean you know, when people want to throw someone a surprise party usually they act as if there's nothing happening." Alex says

"Hey, I'm taking you out for dinner at a surprise location.. Isn't that enough?" I frown

"I was just kidding! I'm so excited for our dinner." He tells me

I laugh, "You're gonna love it, I guarantee. And also, I have something for you. But you have to wait until tonight to find out. Enough hints now?"

"Can't wait." He smirks


After school finishes, I meet up with Jack first in the hallway to make sure that our plan stays in tack.

"Is everything set for tonight?" I ask Jack

"Yep, you can count on us." He assures

I hug him, "Thank you so much for your help. For everything. I'll see you tonight."

"It's nothing, Alex's my friend too. I'll see you there later. Text me when everything's set." He hugs me back

I nod one last time before finally heading to the parking lot to see Alex. He's waiting for me near his car, chatting with his friends. He smiles when he sees me and I give him a peck on his lips.

"Hey, ready to leave?" He asks

"Yup. I need time to get ready for tonight." I wink

Alex's phone rings. He fishes it out of his pocket to see the caller ID.

"It's our producer, hang on. You can get in the car, it's not locked." He says and takes the phone call

I get in the car and wait for him to finish the call. Judging from his expression, it's not a good news he'a receiving.

"Is anything wrong?" I ask when Alex gets inside of the car

"No.. Gail, I don't know how to put this but... I'm not sure if I can make it to the dinner tonight. Jared, our producer called all of us to the office straight away. It's an emergency, he said. I don't know how long it's gonna take but I'll try to get to the place as soon as I'm finished. Just text me the location." He explains

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