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After an incredibly long math class, the bell rings and it's finally time to go home. I gather my things, ready to leave the class. But I hear Mrs. Lindsey calling my name just as I'm about to head out the door.

"Gail! Can I have a word for a second?" Mrs. Lindsey calls

Panic rises inside me. What have I done wrong? Did she catch me skipping school last week? A thousand other reasons pop in my mind. Clearing the thoughts off my mind, I nervously walk towards her desk. "Is there anything wrong, Mrs. Lindsey?"

"No need to worry! It's not anything bad. If anything, it's me who needs your help." She says

I let out a sigh of relief, "What can I help you with?"

"I'm really concerned with Alex's grades.." Mrs. Lindsey sighs, "I know deep down he's a really clever boy. He just needs a little bit extra of attention."

Okay.. What does Alex's grades have anything to do with me?

"You're one of my top students in this school. Do you mind tutoring Alex for me? I know you two live just across each other, so I figured it would be easier for you to arrange the schedule." She adds

It takes me a while to process. The group that I avoid the most, and now my teacher practically just asked me to voluntarily spend time with one of them. In this case, tutoring.

"Uh, It's not that I don't want to, but I think I don't really have the time- I've been really busy with-" I stutter, trying to make up excuses

Mrs. Lindsey frowns, "Oh, too bad. I already told Alex about it. He was rather eager, actually. Maybe I should go ask Tara Coleman if she could.. Well, thank you for your time, Gail."

The thought of Tara Coleman, the girl with thick framed glasses who I once heard her complaining to her mate about only being able to read 4 books this week, tutoring Alex makes me cringe a little bit.

"I'm very sorry, Mrs. Lindsey. I hope I can be more of a help." I politely apologize

"It's okay, I understand." She nods

I quickly sprint out of class to avoid anymore this awkwardness from her and head for my locker to put my books. I meet up with Travis outside so he can drive me home as he always does every day. As he's driving, I tell him that Mrs. Lindsey has asked me to tutor Alex. Which of course we both know isn't going to happen.

I bid goodbye to Travis after he drops me off my house. I'm just about to unlock the front door when I hear someone calling my name.


I turn around and find myself face to face with Alex. Clearly he's not someone I've been looking forward to have a conversation with.

"I saw you coming, so I rushed here to talk to you." He pants

I stand there, just looking at him. To be honest, I don't even know what say to him.

"Well, I don't know if Mrs. Lindsey's told you, but I was wondering if you could tutor me.. You know, help me catch up with math." He says, scratching the back of his head

I force myself to answer, cause I doubt he'll leave without one. "Yeah, as a matter of fact, she did."

His smile lights up, "Great! When should we start then? I think there's gonna be a quiz next week, better if we start early."

"Uh.. Actually, I can't. I can't tutor you. I'm busy. I have this-" I lie

He rises an eyebrow, "Busy with what? You rarely leave your house everyday besides going to school."

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