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"Alright, don't pack up just yet, we still have 2 minutes before the bell actually rings." Mr. Fitz says

We all groan, but secretly gather our things under our seat so we can storm out as soon as possible after the bell rings.

"For your next project, I want you to create a painting. It can be of whatever you want, remember, there is no right or wrong. A painting has its own story, a good artist is the one who make one's art speaks itself." He announces, and the bell rings just after that

"I expect to have received your works within 2 weeks." Mr. Fitz adds

We all get up from our seat and rush outside the classroom. I gotta admit that I am really excited for this next project, I've got millions of ideas bursting in my mind of what I'm gonna make. But I need to make a stop first at the craft store after school, because I'm pretty sure I'm running low on paint, and also canvas.

I meet up with Travis in front of my locker, and we walk together to our math class. I settle my things down on my usual chair, in front of Alex who has his foot up on the desk while laughing at a dirty joke Brad the class clown just threw. He finally shuts up when Mrs. Lindsey starts handing out our assignment result last week.

"Nice job, Gail. As always." Mrs. Lindsey smiles to me as she hands out my paper with an A+ on it

I smile back at her, "Thank you, Mrs. Lindsey. I've learned so much from you."

"Pfft, show off."

"Well, Alex. Why don't you see your result for yourself. You might wanna look up to Gail, you're pretty far behind her." She turns to Alex and hands his result. A D- written in red ink.

He crumples the paper and tosses it to the trash can when Mrs. Lindsey isn't facing him

"You still need to pass, Alex." Rian reminds

"I can catch up." He answers. But I have a strong feeling he didn't mean it.


After the last bell rings, I sigh in relief after such a long day. I head outside and meet the girls who are about to have their usual cheer practice.

Oh, did I mention about homecoming being only a week away?

The girls have been very busy practicing their routine, while the boys are down in the field. And of course I wouldn't wanna miss the homecoming dance too, we've agreed to go together as a group even though many of us are actually dating.

After saying goodbye to them, I decide to go to the mall like I'd planned earlier to grab some art supplies. I'm pretty sure that I saw a craft store last week when I'd gone to accompany Jas shopping. And true, because I walk out of the store 2 hours later with shopping bags in both hands.

Just when I'm about to hail a taxi to get home, my mom decides to go after me to the mall and have dinner there since none of us feels like cooking tonight. She's still on her way, so I still got about a half hour to kill before she comes.

I pass by a music store, the glass wall allows us to look at the inside of the store that holds guitars in every size and shape. But that's not what catches my attention. But he does. I can't name any other person with a tall and lanky figure with that bleached skunk-like hair around here, if it isn't Jack Barakat.

"Jack?" I half greet half ask. He's too busy organizing the rack behind the counter to even recognize me coming

"Welcome to Dave's Guitar- Oh, hey Gail!" He turns to face me

"Jack! I didn't know you worked here!" I greet him for real now.

Jack and I, we share the same AP world history class. He turns out to be really good at history, despite him being the class clown. He always manages to get kicked out of class almost every single time because our teacher, Mrs. Gloria, a sad looking old lady who used to teach at a semi-military school in her earlier years hates everything Jack does. She once made Jack have a trip to the principal because she thought Jack's hair's one quarter of an inch too high for her liking. But of course, that didn't stop him from cracking up jokes and entertaining the class with his skill. There's nothing serious between us, no more that exchanging hellos when we pass each other.

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